“They approve the steak when there are no more cows”

14/04/2021 – 6:51 PM (GMT-4)

Comedian Alexis Valdés put together a few tenths for the new measure issued by the Cuban government, which approves the commercialization of meat from small and large livestock to agricultural producers.

The sale of beef, which was banned in the country for decades.

Then we reproduce the verses of Alexis Valdés in full:

Now it is legal in my country
sell the beef
The problem is now
that we have to fight a new war
And there the bitch shits
gets sick and gets thin
This does not rock the hammock
because imagine
who now approve the steak
when there are no more cows.

The Cuban government announced this in the National Television News on Tuesday evening approved the sale of beef by farmers, directly into the retail network of national currencies and freely convertible currencies.

“What we have proposed is aimed at promoting food production in the most immediate term, with the concept of opening up everything that can benefit the producer, boost production, remove obstacles and that a better diet reaches our people” , said Cuban leader Miguel Díaz-Canel.

The government also stated that the sale of the product may take place as long as it is guaranteed that there will be no decline in livestock.

The free sale of milk and milk derivatives is also permitted.

This measure is part of an emerging package of 63 measures to increase the critical food production that the country has been experiencing for some time, including lowering electricity and water tariffs for farmers, lowering the agricultural service payment. aviation, as well as the price of national feed and geo-products.

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