These are the nine fad diets from the most to the least healthy

If there is one thing they have in common every year, it is that there isn’t one where different diets aren’t one of the most sought after things. Some are repeated over and over, while new ones find their way from time to time. Not all of them are healthy or help us lose weight in the long term. For this reason, we have researched many of them in Jared over the past year and Here’s what we know about the 11 fad diets this year

The DASH Diet

This diet was originally created to treat patients with hypertensionThe idea was not to follow it for weight loss, but they found that following this eating style could help you achieve and maintain a healthier weight in the long run. This diet consists of the consumption of vegetables, fruits, vegetables, whole grains, low-fat dairy products, large amounts of fiber, magnesium and calcium.

The diets everyone is talking about are falling for research

In addition, in order to follow this diet, the recommendation is not to consume added sugars, saturated fats and to reduce the consumption of salt. The DASH diet has been evaluated and has shown scientific evidence of its effectiveness in both improving blood pressure and aiding weight loss. It is a way of eating that, over time, and, in the long run, helps us take care of our health and weight, without miracles.

Dieta Okinawa

The Okinawa Diet is based on the eating style followed on Okinawa Island, the home of the oldest people in the world. Among other factors, it seems that their traditional way of eating could be one of the causes of this longevity. The basis of their diet is the consumption of vegetables – mainly green and yellow – derived from legumes, soybeans, good quality fats and little meat.

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In addition, this diet does not consume ultra-processed foods, it avoids added sugars, saturated fats and large amounts of sun. As with the Mediterranean diet, it is important follow traditional eating patterns and not the ones following now, as they are a little westernized and are not consuming as healthy foods now.

The keto diet

If there is a known diet this year, it is the keto diet. We’ve heard about it countless times. It is a diet that can be completely healthy, but there are a number of things to keep in mind: to begin with, it is a diet that is specifically recommended for overweight people, which is not suitable for everyone and us. In addition, it is advisable to always follow it under the supervision of a nutritionist and doctor.

This is because on the ketogenic diet carbohydrate consumption is reduced by up to 10%The idea is that this way our body enters ketosis and burns more fat. Indeed, there is some evidence that they work, but it can be difficult to follow. We must remember that there are many more foods that contain carbohydrates than we think. If we go overboard, we can also get ketoacidosis, which can be dangerous. Hence, it is advisable to always be checked by a professional.

Intermittent fasting

Just like the keto diet, intermittent fasting has been gaining momentum lately. So much so that Elsa Pataky has confessed that both she and her husband are following her. It’s more than a diet, it’s a diet. Managed properly, it can be a perfectly healthy way of eating that not only helps us control our weight, but provides other benefits for our health and metabolism.

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There are several ways to do intermittent fasting, but the most common is 8/16. In this way all the calories of the day are consumed within eight hours and the other 16. When talking about intermittent fasting, some people understand it’s about not eating and others that it’s about eating whatever we want in those eight hours. Neither one nor the other.

It is appropriate that we calculate our daily calorie consumption and round it up in those eight hours. In addition, while intermittent fasting does not prohibit food, for a healthy eating style it is preferable that we avoid ultra-processed, added sugars and saturated fats and base our diet on vegetables, fruits, legumes, nuts, seeds, dairy products and whole grains.

Dissociated diet

Another diet best known to celebrities like Kate Winslet is the dissociated diet. It is a diet developed by Montignac that divides foods into groups based on their nutrients and applies very specific – and complex – rules in which these foods can be consumed. One of the first problems with this diet is that there is no evidence to support it and it is simply based on the tests Montignac did with his family.

To begin with, we have to keep in mind that it is a very difficult diet to follow as most foods contain more than one nutrient, some of which are not compatible with this diet. It doesn’t have to be unhealthy, but the reality is it doesn’t teach us long-term healthy eating habits, and it hasn’t been shown to actually help manage weight.

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Perricone diet

One of the things that happen with the most famous diets is that they are followed by famous people and therefore become popular. This is the case with the Perricone diet which has become known in our country as the diet followed by Queen Letizia. It is a diet developed by dermatologist Nicholas Perricone, who tried to care for the skin while helping to lose weight.

A three-day plan is followed for this menus already closed or another 28 day plan in which we can choose what to eat, within certain – quite a few – constraints: food should contain omega 3, some fruits, vegetables, seeds, nuts, whole grains and herbs. Also refined flours, added sugars or alcohol cannot be consumed. But others, such as oranges, watermelon, papaya, mango, bananas, grapes, carrots, squash or potatoes, are also prohibited.

It is a diet in which reduce calorie consumption to 1,200 and in which what we eat is quite limited – some things for no reason. Of course we can lose weight and it doesn’t have to be dangerous.

But it can happen that we don’t get the necessary nutrients or that consuming so few calories is not enough. It’s also a difficult diet to maintain long-term that doesn’t teach us new habits, and hasn’t shown any evidence that it helps our skin better.

Shirataki noodle diet

In the world of dieting, there are options for all tastes, but this is probably one of the most notable. The shirataki noodle diet consists of a noodle (and noodle) based diet that, in theory, will help us be more satisfied and eat less. It is a paste made with glucomannan that retains water and has no calories. When consumed, they swell in the stomach and fill us up more.

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The reality is, although glucomannan has been shown to help you lose weight in very specific circumstances, it is nearly impossible to replicate by eating these noodles. Mainly because they should be the only thing we ate and, bearing in mind that they have no nutrients, we risk malnutrition

Plus, they are very boring because they don’t taste like anything and are usually accompanied by sauces that end up being very high in calories. Not to mention that not sustainable in the long term because it is restrictive and tasteless. Not to mention the high price they have.

Sirtfood diet

It’s about the diet with which singer Adele theoretically lost weight. According to the singer’s own coach, this eating style would allow for only 1,000 calories per day. This is too small an amount. It basically has two stages: in the first, only three green juices are consumed per day with a total of 1,000 calories for seven days

In the second phase we can already consume 1,500 calories and we can combine juices with solid foods. These juices can include kale, turmeric, apple, citrus, nuts, olive oil, parsley, coffee, red wine and chocolate. In any case, the consumption of calories is extremely low and can pose problems – not to mention the risk of this diet when we play sports -.

In addition, it does not teach us to eat healthy and, once we stop and eat normally again, we will regain the lost weightAlso, alcohol consumption is a big no in any healthy diet.

Fruit diet

Fruit is an essential food in any healthy diet worth its salt. If they prohibit us from consuming fruit in our diet, it is better not to trust us. This does not mean that it can be the only food we consume, and it is exactly what the Fruitarian Diet proposes. We have to keep in mind that while the fruit contains very good nutrients and vitamins, it doesn’t contain all of them.

Eating only fruit puts us at risk of deficiency in protein, calcium and fat, which can lead to muscle loss, sarcopenia, kidney failure, problems controlling our temperature, problems with the absorption of vitamins, vitamin B12 deficiency , etc. It is a very unsafe diet.

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