“There is a huge void in our house”

| 25/12/2020 – 13:16 pm (GMT-4)

Christmas has had a different flavor this year for the family of reggaeton El Dany, the first to celebrate without the physical presence of the artist.

Emotional publications point to the lack of such a special date for families. “Today there is a huge emptiness in our house, in our lives, but you, my dear, are my reason for living,” Reggaeton’s widow Iraisel said on Instagram.

Yomil Hidalgo, who joined El Dany in recent years as one of the most popular duos in Cuban music, wished his followers a Merry Christmas and accompanied his publication with the tag #vaportidanilo, referring to the late artist.

The daughter, Daniela, posed in a beautiful photo with a Santa hat and a present in her hands, on the occasion of the date.

A few days ago, Yomil thanked Cuban-American producer Armando Christian Pérez, known by the stage name Pitbull, and reggae player IAmChino, because Dany was present in a song they premiered together.

The death of Daniel Muñoz, El Dany, at the age of 31, was a tragic event that shocked Cubans in and outside the country on July 18. The artist died in the Calixto García hospital in Havana. Fighting medical personnel stated that the death was due to cardiac arrest due to a thrombus.

Shortly after, Yomil assured that his friend’s death was the result of medical negligence, so described the opinion of the authorities as “disrespect”.

For its part, the official newspaper Granma He had identified the cause of death as an acute cardiovascular disease, without providing details. Shortly afterwards, Havana’s provincial public health directorate reported that it had appointed a committee made up of high-level specialists to investigate the causes of El Dany’s death.

“Until now we have waited quietly for them to be smart and do justice, but apparently it was not done. Life is respected and that of my little brother, who had so many qualities of a great person and had a whole life to do, ”Yomil said at the time.

Until this disagreement Iraisel, the reggaeton widow, joined, who shared Yomil’s views on social networks and many users who also demanded justice for his daughter’s father, Daniela.

In September, Yomil, who had stopped asking for clarification about the death of his colleague, explained that he had given up his decisions for family reasons.

“For what reason have they stopped seeing me on the networks asking for justice? It is for his mother Iliana, whom I respect and have had a tremendous affection for years. She called me personally to ask me to stop, to please stop asking more for her son. That’s why I made this decision and backed off a bit, ”he said.

“Me and my brother have already looked good and I will continue to look good and keep his legacy in mind, but there is a family that I have to respect. In this case a mother who says no, and I cannot get over her mother ”, assured.
