The University of Michigan publishes an annual list of banned words and phrases for 2021

SAULT STE. MARIE, Mich. – Even as vaccines are being rolled out to fight the coronavirus, wordmakers at Lake Superior State University in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula say they want to kick any trace of it out of the English language.

“COVID-19” and “social distancing” are added to “we’re all in this together,” “with an abundance of caution” and “in these uncertain times” on the school’s light-hearted list of banned words and phrases. 2021.

Of the more than 1,450 nominations sent to the school, about 250 words and terms suggested for banning for overuse, abuse, or uselessness had something to do with the virus.

Seven of the 10 selected are associated with the virus, “COVID-19” leading the way. “Unknown”, banned in 2002, has been re-listed.

“Certainly, COVID-19 is unprecedented at wreaking havoc and destroying lives,” members of the Banished Words List committee said in a press release Thursday. “But that also applies to the excessive reliance on ‘unknown’ to frame things, so it must also disappear.”

The school in Sault Ste. Marie has compiled the list every year since 1976 and says, “uphold, protect and sustain high-quality language by encouraging the avoidance of words and terms that are overworked, redundant, oxymoronic, . “

So far, more than 1000 words or phrases have made the list. Nominations come from across the US and a number of other countries.

Joining previous inductees such as “absolutely”, “BFF”, “covfefe” and “you know” are:

– COVID-19 (COVID, coronavirus, Rona). “A large number of nominators are clearly outraged by the virus and how it has overtaken our vocabulary,” the committee wrote. “As necessary or socially and medically useful these words are, the committee cannot help but wish we could eradicate them along with the virus itself.”

– Social distancing. “This phrase is helpful, because wearing a mask and keeping your distance have a huge effect on preventing the spread of infection,” said members. “But we would be lying if we said we weren’t ready for this sentence to become ‘useless’.”

– We’re all in this together.

– With great care (different wording).

– In these uncertain times (different words).

– To turn. “Reporters, commentators, talking heads and others in the media point to how everyone should adapt to the coronavirus through contactless delivery, virtual learning, sidewalk pick-up, video conferencing, remote work and other urgent adjustments,” the committee wrote. . “All of that is true and essential. But basketball players turn; let’s keep it that way. “

– Unknown.

– Karen. “What started as an anti-racist criticism of white women’s behavior in response to black and brown people has become a misogynist term for criticizing women’s alleged over-emotional behavior,” the committee said.

– Sus, short for “suspicious”.

– I know?

“The real world is concerned with preoccupied word watchdogs this year, primarily COVID-19, and it makes sense,” said Rodney Hanley, Lake Superior’s president, in the release. In a small way, this list can help flatten the curve that was also considered for banishment. We trust that your ‘new normal’ – another contender among the nominations – for next year will no longer have to contain that. “

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