The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights condemns the death of Keyla Martínez

Tegucigalpa, Honduras.

The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights in Honduras, OHCHR, released a statement today condemning the death of Keyla Patricia Martínez, a nursing student murdered in a police cell in La Esperanza, Intibucá.

The Declaration of the United Nations Representation, The UN, with regard to human rights in the country, believes the events could be which constitute an extrajudicial execution and therefore must be conducted in accordance with the provisions of the Minnesota Protocol on the Investigation of Potentially Illegal Deaths.


Isabel Albaladejo, representative of OACNUDH, argued, “Under the Minnesota Protocol, investigations must be aimed at identifying not only the direct perpetrators but all others responsible for the death, including officers of the chain of command who were complicit in it.

Can see: Between a partial calm, anger and impotence, they fire Keyla Martínez

The repercussions for the events that took place early Sunday morning have echoed in the media and the international community. The death of Keyla Martínez, 26, who was in police custody, sparked a wave of protests from the Honduran population in the western town. Yesterday, the autopsy ruled out suicide because the young woman’s cause of death was confirmed by Forensic Medicine and the Public Prosecution Service.

Along the lines of the statement, OHCHR urged the Honduran authorities “to develop without delay and by all available legal means a prompt, complete, careful and impartial investigation aimed at establishing the truth and the prosecution, prosecution and eventual punishment of all perpetrators of the events, as well as recovery for the victims and their families. “


At the same time, the organization pointed out that since it was a violent death of a woman, it could have been committed on sex grounds. For this reason, they demanded that the judicial and investigative authorities do not rule out the motive for the event that hypothesis.

Also read: They identify the police who transferred Keyla Martínez from the post to the hospital

In this sense, the document recalls the international norms and standards in this type of research, through the Latin American Protocol Model for the Investigation of Violent Deaths of Women for Gender Reasons.

Keyla Martínez’s crime took place under the national curfew, for which the OHCHR stated that this principle does not exempt the state from its human rights obligations. these emergency measures should not serve as a pretext for human rights abuses and violations, ”the statement said.

Video: Keyla Martínez is buried between grief and indignation in La Esperanza

Finally, OACNUDH, after acknowledging the claims made in the investigation by the Prosecution, expressed solidarity with the victim’s family and urged the Honduran authorities to take all necessary measures to ensure that the events are not repeated.
