The three best exercises to have a flat stomach and slim the stomach

He passage of timeLike it or not, we change in every way we are more experienced, we are wiser (or at least, we think we are) and more mature. But our way of being isn’t the only thing that’s being transformed since our BodyUnfortunately, it is not the same either.

After 40 and all 50, we don’t want to tell you, the body doesn’t respond in the same way and we tend to accumulate fat in the abdominal area, if that has never happened to us (if you took care of yourself, of course). There are many factors that influence, one is age, of course, but others are the habits we adopt over the years. As time goes by, we tend to make us more sedentary, a problem that increasingly affects a larger segment of the population and that must be remedied as soon as possible. A bad diet has a lot of influence, as does the stress or hormonal changes.

In 2021, did you propose ending those parrots once and for all? Stop making excuses for not sweating and exercising and go straight to your goal. You should minimize the time you spend to take advantage of all the benefits and achieve your goal (in case you are looking for a flat belly). And above all, select the most appropriate workouts not only to remove fat, but to convert it into muscle.

Baking tray

The best way to increase your potential when it comes to burning calories it is simply creating a calorie deficit. Most people think you should start with the diet. They believe that everything depends on food and after a while they start to ‘eat badly’. The problem is that drastic changes in your regimen are very difficult to sustain, so the best way to start is to do both at the same time, eat well and exercise.

So dedicate most of the exercises you do to the core area, is that it gives you more stability. Hence, one of the most effective physical moves to achieve this is and should not be missed in your routine The iron.

Baking tray

How do you do that? This exercise activates not only the core muscles but also those of arms, legs and buttocks, is hemore effective to burn localized fat in the body abdominal area. To do this, you need to position the body horizontally to the ground, supporting the forearms and the tops of the feet. You must have your whole body straight strongly activating stomach, lower back, butt and legs.


If you think you are going to reduce or lose belly fat six pack soon, you should know that not an easy task. Mentalize yourself Very quickly it is a long and difficult process because you have to burn the fat from the top of the muscle or you will never see it no matter how conditioned you are. To achieve this you need Burning calories, and to do that you have to focus on exercises targeting multiple muscles.

Next to the belly, with the mountainclimber or climbers that you will also train obliqueas well as the shoulders, legs and even the triceps, albeit to a lesser extent. In implementation, although simple, it is necessary be very careful to avoid injury and get the most out of it. To begin, lie face down on the floor and support the hands with the fingers pointing forward at the width of the shoulders and the body resting on the palms and toes so that the body is in a straight line.

From that position begins the movement consisting of alternately bringing the knees to the opposite elbow, that is, raising the left elbow to the right elbow under the body and the other to the left in the same way. The leg change is done by explosive jump, although to do it correctly you must start with an adequate initial physical shape.


Also calls lunges, are designed to develop agility and physical strength, in addition to helping remove belly fat. Lunges or lunges are made without extra weight, but there are variations that use dumbbells or a bar (not recommended for beginners). Make sure your back and legs are straight with outstretched arms at the sides.

You move forward with one foot looking straight ahead, keeping the trunk always straight. Then the back knee lightly touches the ground. Gluteal force is used bring the hind leg forward. It’s important not to stop at every step, though take an uninterrupted walk.

Do you want to challenge yourself? Add an exercise from shavings of biceps with weights or walk forward as you do the movement to keep things more interesting. Do 10 reps with one and then another 10 with the other to work the muscles of both evenly.
