The singer Almighty is in hospital | Stage

Urban genre singer Alejandro Mosqueda, artistically known as Almighty, was admitted to a psychiatric hospital, his work team reported via social networks.

“In the past three days there has been some speculation about Alejandro’s current condition. Primo Boyz, his company, his work team, along with his family, we have decided to allow him to start his treatment as soon as possible,” they published. in a story on the company’s official Instagram account.

Likewise, it was found that “it goes without saying that we have worked for years and put a lot of effort into not just pursuing his career but helping him with his terms and conditions and I want you to be sure this will continue. to be the case. “

In the meantime, they thanked “all the fans who care about their hearts and support their music, as well as their mother who knows about the whole situation.”
