The ordeal of Pol Fernández in his last months at Boca Juniors

Guillermo Fernandez hit the table when he decided to disclose his intentions not to renew Boca JuniorsWhat was initially seen as a gesture of courage ended up being the worst decision of a footballer who was banned and removed from the team after his statements.

Refusing to renew the loan that tied him to xeneize, Pol was looking for new challenges in his sports career outside Argentina, all pointing to his return to Blue crossHowever, the decision did not go well with the La Bombonera team or the football council, led by Juan Roman Riquelme, and decided to divorce the midfielder with two months of competition ahead.

“I couldn’t go out every day to clarify something new, so I called myself to silence. I suffered alone and with my family, but I am very grateful to the companions I had at the timeWithout them it wouldn’t have been so easy because I trained with them and felt like part of them, but until Friday or Saturday I had to concentrate “, Pol commented on TyC Sports’ “Abran Cancha” program.

And it’s that the Santa Fe native was clear about his return to La Maquina, a team he has a contract with until June 2022. They tried to convince him of Boca, but the player had decided on a rematch with the club with whom he had only been in his first phase for six months.

Pol Fernández celebrates a goal with Cruz Azul

Pol Fernández celebrates a goal with Cruz Azul (Imago 7)

“There were big clubs and there was Racing. That made me good in the sports part, but I didn’t have as much fun as you think, because I wanted to train and be on the field on Sunday”, emphasized the Argentinian, who has now become one of the most important pieces of Juan Reynoso’s team.
