The IA de Google resuelve en horas cálculos para crear medicinas que necesitan días

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Google has more than one buscador web with usado en España; is a big technical and a technical and a big and big demand for a school, Alphabet, for a word of welcome.

For the development of the intelligence Artificial it is one of the most important priorities in the past, a special application and a medicine; This is a conseguide logros and a detección de cáncer.

This is a large amount of the DeepMind, a salt of the vencer family and the great maestros of Go, a regulator and a video recording.

Google a por el secreto de la vida

This is a first Google account for the future of DeepMind, but also for the conversion and the juegos; how big the question is, with an anonymous name at the level of AlphaFold, has a consegative solver for a big problem as a single problem with the common information: the plegamiento the protein.

The composed química de una proteína no lo cuenta todo; it is an important part of the difference between the different types, microstructured microstructures, the porcelain and no corrective, no funcionará como debería and a biological biological. It is particularly vital for the desarrollo de nuevas medicinas. The igual que la composición sea correcta: no se pliega de la manera and la que debe, no servirá para nada.

Plegamiento de proteinas simulado by ordenador

Plegamiento de proteinas simulado by ordenador

Wikimedia Commons

This is one of the best prices dating back 50 years, but it has no respect but also a combination of combinations with ‘fuerza bruta’. As the location of Folding @ Home, you have the potential not to use the ordenadores and the consoles for the process of processing and the right solution. Pero incluso así, simple se tarda demasiado, varios meses.

The logro of DeepMind

DeepMind’s device has a conseguido with AlphaFold and is a prognosis of the protein with a grenade; Specifically, and saber’s capaz is a problem with monkeys’ margin of error and a house’s diarrhea. This is a process that can be added to one of the many catering establishments, but there are also potential outcomes for the investigation of an ongoing investigation.

Plegamiento de proteinas resultado de experimentos (verde) and the IA (azul)

Plegamiento de proteínas resultado de experimentos (verde) en de IA (azul)



Pese a que no es un sistema absolutamente preciso, so que of suficiente como para dejar que los científicos hagan and resto del trabajo. For some point aware of the current Cambiarlo, it is one of some researcher’s equipment and it is an average of the intended properties; una vez que recibieron la ayuda de DeepMind, and apenas media hora consiguieron hallar con la estructura finale.

The protection of the information by a realization by DeepMind

Una década de trabajo terminado en media hora; y eso es sólo el principio. In the future, no sea is needed, but there is no human intervention, and there is a capacity of the precise precision and the precise function of the body; de manera efectiva, desvelando todos sus secretos and abriendo las puertas and nuevos desarrollos.
