The ghost town of multi-million dollar abandoned mansions in the US – International

A TikToker posted a video of the city Indian Ridge Resort Community, a project located in the state Measure UNITED STATES, that was abandoned over the years after a financial crisis of its investors.

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In the images you can see the Amazing multi-million dollar mansions have gone adrift and which today are only visited by curious people.

According to the lawyer Carrie Jernigan, author of the video that has already been viewed 14.7 million times on the social network, originally the project of the ghost town announced in 2006 was considered one of the state’s big bets, whose amount agreed by the developers was $ 1,600 million.

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(If you read us from the app, check out the TikTok video here).

On approximately 365 hectares of land, the intention was to create a exclusive resort with 390 rooms, the largest water park in the country, a golf course, a harbor, a museum and luxury residences, but all came to nothing after the scams discovered by the banks that financed the development.

“In essence, she lied in the requests to multiple banks for huge sums of money, and when they received them, they invested not in Indian Ridge Resort, but in old defaulted loans and some of their personal affairs.”Jernigan assured.

As it turned out, after the historic crisis of 2008, the businessmen decided to stop investing in the project, so that it was eventually abandoned. Over the years, the deterioration of the buildings began to be noticed.

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The Nation, Argentina
