The former NBA who played alongside Jordan and stormed the Capitol | News from El Salvador

David Wood was involved in the riots in the United States. He played in the Olympics and was a rival to Manu Ginobili

David Wood was a somewhat unremarkable player, although he spent years in the NBA, playing alongside Michael Jordan, and standing out at the Barcelona Olympics.

Lately, however, it has returned to sound and not for pleasant things. And it is that Wood was part of the people who protested in the United States and that ended with an attack on the Capitol, five dead and several prisoners.

Known as “The Gladiator,” Wood was seen among the protesters who violently caused riots and for which police eventually arrested about 50 people after President Donald Trump complained of defeat in his opinion. fraudulent in the last elections in the United States.

After appearing in several news publications, Wood himself removed some of his most radical and conservative statements from his social accounts.

“I witnessed Trump’s speech and since several friends messaged me to find out what everything was like, I decided to broadcast it live for everyone to see. The truth is, I found the area around the Capitol to be very safe, surrounded by people who love our country. I’ve seen ten angry screamers who could be a pain. People are angry that their votes don’t count. I don’t really support this angry energy and I didn’t know anyone I saw in the Capitol, because in reality I wasn’t going to protest but to look and pray, “the 2 meter and 5 centimeter eccentro said.

After serving in the CBA, Wood was in the NBA with Michael Jordan’s Bulls, although he played very little. Later he was in Italy where he played for Livorno and he was also in Barcelona. He has also been with the Houston Rockets, San Antonio Spurs, Golden State Warrios, Phoenix Suns, Dallas Mavs, and Milwaukee Bucks.

During the 1998 World Cup, he was on the alternate star team as there was a labor dispute between the owners of the NBA teams and the players, so they weren’t the best. There Wood stood opposite Manú Ginobili.

“I would like to apologize for being wrong in my diligence and humanity on Day 6. I thought the change would happen with biblical proportions, but it doesn’t seem today. I am sorry and I apologize for my time, ”he wrote on Wednesday, the day of the demonstration. “

“Before the next president is sworn in, you will see with shock and amazement that they will expose electoral fraud and confirm President Trump for another four years,” he had previously written.

SEE ALSO: NBA Players, Against Donald Trump Supporters Who Invaded the Capitol
