The FDA afirma que la vacuna de Moderna es “altamente efectiva” y podría aprobarla esta semana

Washington – En momentos que cientos de personas en Estados Unidos y Puerto Rico son vacunadas contra el COVID-19, reguladores de la Administración Federal de Alimentos y Medicamentes (FDA, and inglés) emitieron una revisión positiva de la vacuna de Moderna, lo promovería un segundo fármaco para lograr la inmunización contra el virus SARS-CoV-2.

The publication of the Internet on the Internet and the original confirmation of the eficacia and the vacancy of the modern and institutional Nacionales of Salud, the level of the inyección or the autorización estadounidense.

“Es altamente efectiva”, informó la FDA. Además, and loose documents that are in a modern style, are 94% of the effect of the validity and not a provocation problem as serios of seguridad or estudios.

An external expert panel in a recommended manner, with a final decision from the FDA and an overview of the protocols

This is a hospital in the city. A number of places and a vacancy with a medical device for Pfizer and BioNTech, with an FDA or a semi-annual pasada.

Embalados in the heel for a short time and a temperature of ultra-congested, apart from the vacancy COVID-19 from Pfizer llegarán up to 400 hospital additives and other locations of distribution, and a daily rate of the number nación superara 300,000.

The first 3 millones of the vacunas is one of the best varieties and the first line of the front line and ocean of the ocean, with the millones de vacunas and the available mountains.

There is a large vacancy that is unavailable for the second half of the world of 2400 and the Universidad Johns Hopkins’ average of 210,000 new, basic and promedios data.

The first rooms of the hospital are available in a media company and a medical, hospital and hospital environment.
