The depiction of XXI and the prevención, bienestar y salud animal

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The depiction of XXI and the prevención, bienestar y salud animal

December 10, 2020

ESPAÑA– Este jueves, 10 de diciembre, Boehringer Ingelheim Animal Health is present Variety of: desafíos del siglo XXI en prevención, bienestar y salud animal. An analyzing, available and digital format and printout, with a large amount of data, a biennial and a salud of animals for a worldwide warranty and a worldwide warranty. Además, la iniciativa pretende fomentar el debate and torno al enfoque One Health (Una Salud).

Boehringer Ingelheim Animal Health presenta “Variety of: desafíos del siglo XXI en prevención, bienestar y salud animal

Según Elena Gratacós, directora gerente de Boehringer Animal Health España, “it is a compromise for animals and veterinarians, for animals in general, for animals in general and for animals in general. It is a matter of sentiment, the form of a decisive and innovative way of life and the solution to the problem and the content of an animal and human body ”.

The most common results are an in-depth investigation and a special relevance of the crisis caused by a new coronavirus SARS-CoV-2. It is one of the most important elaborations of a grupo de reconocidus specially formed by it Cristina Muñoz Madero, Joaquim Segalés Coma, José Manuel Sánchez-Vizcaíno Rodríguez, Luis Ortega Mora, Luis Miguel Cebrián Yagüe and Pol Llonch Obiols.

Asimismo, the many different ways you can focus on the colaboración and the prologuista de una experta de reconocido prestigio international and the ámbito del concepto One Health: the doctora Jonna AK Mazet.

The purpose of the first class is to provide the basis for a poner and the beginning of the market, medidas en compromisos de mejora en institucional en administrativo “contribuyan a que animales y humanos vivamos and un mundo más saludable and este siglo XXI”, con la convicción de a solo from a One Health perspective you will find here “hacia una atención sanitaria global avanzada y preventiva”.

Publication of the structure and the extras in the queue and the remains of the veterinarian and the medical devices for the zoonosis, the vigilancia for the animals, the veterinarian and the veterinarian Antibiotics and medical devices for veterinarian and medical devices One Health and medical health.

Consultar el manifiesto nl:

“Aportar valor a través de la innovación”
Boehringer Ingelheim and it is a negocio de salud animal and grande del mundo. The compañía with a compromise for the future of the future and the two animals and a trip to an extensive product and service point based on fruit and vegetables. Con ventas netas of € 3.9 mil millones and alrededor of 10,000 colaboradores en todo el mundo, estamos presentes and more of 150 mercados. For more information: animal-health.

Salud Aviar, Manejo de Reproductoras, Producción, Bioseguridad e Higiene, Pollo de Engorde, Ponedoras Comerciales, Pavos, Patos y Gansos, Empresas / Productos, Manejo Ambiental, Bienestar Aviar, Calidad de la Carne, Calidad de la Carne, Educación y Entrenamientado, Educación y Entrenamientado, Confimenteren del Huevo, General, Manejo de Ponedoras, Etiquetado y Trazabilidad, Palomas
