Al iniciar operaciones, el precio del dólar estadounidense cotiza este martes 15 days and a promedio of 8:33 pm and $ 19.83 to a comparative casas in the international airport “Benito Juárez” de la Ciudad México.
El tipo de cambio and ventanilla se encuentra at 20.49 pesos a la venta and BBVA México, a Banamex ofrece and Dólar money at 20.68 pesos y Banorte and 20.40 unidades.
Banco Azteca the financing institute in Mexico and the precio of the double flow of money, at $ 20.01 a venta, between In part, the bank and the other money and more Monex, a 20.85.pesos.
The precio del Dólar and the real time
Paridad and tipo de cambio peso-dólar
And tanto, para realizar pagos de obligaciones and institutituciones oficiales el tipo de cambio peso-dólar se encuentra valorado and 20.10 pesos mexicanos. En el SAT with a valorado el dólar at 20.17.
This is not the only information you can find La Verdad Noticias, in the opinion of the local mayor of the economy of Latin America, the Mexican currency with the date of 20.13. La moneda cotiza and Banco Base and 19.99.
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The Mexican cortaba de lunes is one of the most important areas of the country and the mayor is a mayor of coronavirus operations, with a content of COVID-19.
Banco Base explicitly in a report the price of the money and the result of a step-by-step increase in the profit and loss of global financing This is a combination of certain notes, a positive judgment, a probability of a semanaise and a relay of a relay in a city.
Duration of the semana and secretary of Tesoro, Steven Mnuchin and the president of the Cámara de Representantes, Nancy Pelosi, continuaron with conversaciones and torno and a new estimulos. Asimismo, consisting of a primera entrance corridor of the Pfizer and BioNTech and Estados Unidos, a four-language entrance to the Administración of Medicamentos and Alimento (FDA for in English) emergency authorization.
A first primer is divided between 2.9 millons of the dose containing a vacancy and a loose trabajadores de la salud.
TE PUEDE INTERESAR: Dólar hoy en Chile: Precio del dólar and tipo de cambio hoy December 15, 2020
The euro was sold in an ventanilla at a maximum of 24.49 pesos, a cash price of 24.48 pesos; the scale is available at 26.90 pesos and 26.88 pesos.
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