The Albany Times Union editors are calling for Cuomo’s resignation

The Albany Times Union editors have joined calls for New York Gov. Andrew CuomoAndrew Cuomo Albany Times Union editorial board calls for Cuomo’s resignation Another former Cuomo assistant accuses him of harassment. David Sirota: Media must ‘apologize’ for early reporting on Cuomo’s pandemic treatment MORE (D) to step down amid a series of controversies surrounding the elected official, writing that Cuomo “has wasted public confidence at a time when it is needed more than ever. ”

The editorial office an opinion piece on Saturday specifically cited revelations from Cuomo’s government deliberately withholding coronavirus deaths in nursing homes, as well as multiple allegations of sexual harassment against the governor.

“In the midst of an ongoing pandemic, it is vital that people can believe what their governor and their government are telling them, and that the rules they must follow and the sacrifices they must make are really in the interest of public health,” The editorial wrote.

“It is time for Mr. Cuomo to step down, and for those who helped him mislead the public,” he added.

The board went on to say that although it has endorsed Cuomo as governor three times and the elected official has “ accomplished many important progressive goals, ” the Democrat has now “ lost the credibility he needs to run this state, especially in the in the midst of a public health crisis. ”

The board also stated that the ‘excuse for the lie’ to withhold the real coronavirus death toll in nursing homes was ‘also a lie’.

Cuomo’s top assistant, Melissa DeRosa, said the government has not released full data on deaths because it was concerned about the former’s response. President TrumpDonald Trump Biden Signs Executive Order To Increase Voting Rights Albany Times Union Editorial Calls For Cuomo Attorneys To Resign Warn Restrictive Voting Bills Could End Georgia’s Record Turnout MOREDepartment of Justice.

However, the board noted that The New York Times and The Wall Street Journal found that DeRosa and other prominent Cuomo assistants urged state health officials to amend a July public report about deaths in nursing homes because the death toll “was higher than Mr. Cuomo’s closest associates wanted it to be,” the Times Union board wrote.

“New York cannot weather this public health crisis if New Yorkers do not know whether the governor and health officials are being honest with them overnight,” the editorial said.

“It didn’t have to be that way,” the board continued. “Mr. Cuomo generally did a commendable job of getting the state through the pandemic. People knew the dire situation he was facing. Had he made a bad phone call a year ago, New Yorkers would have understood. if he’d just been honest with them. “

“But Mr. Cuomo did not trust New Yorkers with the truth,” added the Times Union board.

The op-ed came forward a third former Cuomo assistant come forward with allegations of sexual harassment against him, including touching her lower back at a reception and kissing her hand once as she sat up from her desk.

Despite growing calls for his resignation, Cuomo said in a press conference on Wednesday that he intended to remain in office.

“Some politicians will always play politics. That’s the nature of the beast. I don’t think today is a day for politics, ”said Cuomo at the time. “I was not elected by politicians, I was elected by the people of New York State. I’m not going to resign. ”

He went on to say, “I work for the people of New York State, they chose me, and I’m going to serve the people of New York State.”
