Texas files a lawsuit against Joe Biden’s decree on deportations

Austin, Texas /

The Texas government filed a lawsuit on Friday to prevent US President Joe Biden from introducing a 100-day moratorium on deportations, in one of the first legal actions against the new administration.

Days after Biden’s inauguration, the country’s largest republican state indicated it is ready to resume its role as the main antagonist of a Democratic president’s immigration agenda, after four years of cheering President Donald Trump’s harsh policies on the southern border.

The federal lawsuit seeks to stem the moratorium on deportations “for certain foreigners”, which will take effect Friday. Biden has already signed a series of presidential decrees, including one that reversed Trump’s order that prioritized on the deportation of all people who are illegal in the United States .

The government of Texas He said the moratorium violates an agreement signed by the Trump administration in recent weeks that required the federal government to consult the state before making changes to the application of immigration laws.

The portal BuzzFeed News initially reported that the Trump administration had entered into similar agreements with the Republican governors of several states. Legal experts have expressed doubts about the validity of these agreements in court.

Texas Attorney General, Republican Ken Paxton, He said that “failure to enforce the law correctly will pose a direct and immediate threat to our citizens and our police.”

He Ministry of Homeland Security He referred questions about the matter to the White House, which at this time was unresponsive. The lawsuit was filed with a federal judge Drew Tipton, Nominated by Trump, in the Southern District of Texas.

Since taking office Wednesday, Biden has unveiled far-reaching immigration plans that would lift many of the restrictions imposed by Trump. One of his first measures was to halt the construction of the border wall with Mexico.

