Tension in Asia: Taiwan denounces the invasion of Chinese jet fighters

Taipei, Taiwan.

The Ministry of Defense of Taiwan reported that thirteen Chinese fighter jets exceeded the Taiwan Air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ), the highest number in Saturday night Just one day so far this year.

According to a statement from the Taiwanese wallet, It’s about a Y-8 anti-submarine aircraft, eight Xian H-6K bombers and fouror Shenyang J-16 fighter jets.

“These burglaries have led to the Taiwan Air Force to respond with appropriate and effective measures, ”said the ministry, it was passedr send fighters to monitorChinese military aircrafts, issue radio warnings and mobilize air defense assets until finally they left the ADIZ.

According to the state agency CNA, the number of raids continues Chinese military aircraft has increased in recent months.

At least in October last years 19 Chinese military aircraft eentered Taiwan’s ADIZ in Septemberand Chinese J-16 fighters cthey crossed the middle of the Street from Taiwan

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The tensions between Beijing and Taipei increased significantly during the tenure of the former US president Donald Trump, which prioritized strengthening relationships with Taiwan, iincluding the arms saless, despite the fact that Washington closed its relations with Taipei, which became informal after the recognition of the People’s Republic.

Taiwan It is considered a sovereign territory with its own government and political system called the Republic China since the end of the Civil War between Nationalists and Communists in 1949, but Beijing claims it is a rebellious province and insists it return to what it calls a common homeland. EFE
