Telegram: 5 settings to adjust when subscribing to the app | WhatsApp | Applications | Mobile phones | United States | USA | USA | Mexico | Spain | Colombia | Peru | nnda nnni | SPORTS GAMES

Take note. Today we’re going to tell you the five settings you need to adjust when you subscribe Telegram to have a better experience in the app. They are all options you can access from the menu Settings of the application, and we recommend that you check it out. The announcement of the new WhatsApp security terms has made millions of unhappy users decide to migrate to the Telegram messaging application.

Complete all the steps we show you as an expert in Telegram:

MORE INFORMATION: This is how you create a Telegram account: step by step

1. Prevent Telegram from taking up too much space

A messaging app is only as heavy as the number of files, images and videos they send you. In Telegram we have more freedom to control space. If we go to Settings > Data and storage we will have options to control space.

In Storage usage We can clear the cache or schedule the downloaded multimedia to keep 3 days, 1 week, 1 month or forever. If you have little space on your mobile phone, the option to store the multimedia for only 3 days is very handy.

2. Adjust Telegram privacy

In Telegram In addition to logging in with your phone number, you can also have a username so that other users can contact you. This is useful, but it comes with a risk, which is that if you enter groups and your privacy is not configured, they will have access to your number or personal information.

Since Settings> Privacy and Security we have the option to:

  • Block contacts so they cannot talk to us.
  • Choose who can see our phone number.
  • Choose who can see our last connection time.
  • Choose who can see our contact picture.
  • Whether they can forward our messages to other conversations and the format in which they are forwarded.
  • Choose who can call us via Telegram voice calls.
  • Who can add me to groups and channels.
One of Telegram's most characteristic features is its stickers.  (Photo: Pexels | Mag)
One of Telegram’s most characteristic features is its stickers. (Photo: Pexels | Mag)

3. Manage your account

Another privacy option is the account control, which is that in addition to the lock code, we can activate the two-step verification. Since Telegram is a multi-device app, we also have the option to log out of other computers. Always since Settings> Privacy and Security.

4. Control of notifications

Another aspect to adjust is in Settings> Notifications and sounds. While we can apply general rules to contacts, groups or channels, Telegram allows us to customize notifications for any chat, group or channel. We can remain silent for a period of time or forever, or apply a specific configuration, such as that a user’s notification does not sound but vibrates.

5. Personalization of chats

In Settings> Chats we can change and choose full Telegram chat background subjects color and setting the dark mode. You can also use the Text size of message and other aspects we invite you to browse.

At the moment, the British-Emirati origin app does not have the ability to get the beta of its application on smartphones and Android such as WhatsApp. So, given its rising popularity, it is possible that it arrives and any user can subscribe.
