Ted Cruz raises money by signing and selling copies of Dr. Seuss that he has not written

Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas) is trying to monetize the trendy conservative “cancellation culture” by signing and selling hundreds of copies of a children’s book he didn’t write.

Cruz, via fundraising emails and Facebook ads, this week asked supporters to pitch $ 60 or more for a copy of Dr. Seuss’ ‘Green eggs and ham’ that he signed himself. Copies are sold on Amazon for $ 4.79.

Get Ted & Dr. Seuss at against the canceled culture crowd to claim your signed copy of Green eggs and hamThe politician insisted on his donation page:

“Right now, the far left is trying to ‘CANCEL’ Dr. Seuss,” Cruz said in a paid Facebook ad. “As someone who has always been a big fan of green eggs and ham, I won’t let that go,” he wrote. “So please rush a $ 60 urgent donation and I’ll sign a copy of Green, Eggs, and Ham just for you!”

In an email, Praised Cruz Thursday of signing “another 175 copies” because “the response to this was HUGE.” He described the book he signed as a ‘collectible cancellation culture’.

Cruz’s fundraising follows Dr. Seuss Enterprises’ decision this month to pick up six of Dr. Seuss’s books with outdated and racist imagery.

“Green Eggs and Ham” – which Cruz actually read in the Senate in 2013 to film then-President Barack Obama’s health bill – was not among the books pulled from circulation.

But that hasn’t stopped the top Republicans and personalities on Fox News from using the book as a fake rage prop in their culture wars, falsely linking the decision to President Joe Biden and Democrats.

Cruz himself has confused many online with such a message.

Random House Children’s Books did not respond to HuffPost’s request for comment.

Critics on Twitter, however, reminded Cruz of his rhetoric that helped encourage rioters in the Capitol and his misguided vacation in Cancún during a winter power and water crisis in Texas.

They also challenged him to sign and sell a book that was not his:
