Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Leaker shares insider information about future DLC and Cut Character

A leading industry insider has new insider knowledge regarding Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, with some details about DLC and a cut character. The information comes via the former Gamer Informer editor and current Kinda Funny Games host, Imran Khan, who recently shared some insight and secrets with Super Smash Bros. Ultimate players on Reset Era. The most notable of this information concerns one of the game’s recent DLC characters, Byleth, the protagonist of Fire Emblem: Three Houses, and a character Khan says has a moveset based on another character that has been canceled.

Unfortunately, Khan does not reveal who this character is, but notes that they have been canceled after negotiations to appear in the game. In addition, Khan’s speculation about one Monster Hunter character coming to the game because the developer behind the game is dead, or at least has been, against crossing their characters with other games. In other words, if you were hoping for one Monster Hunter character to be added with the few remaining DLC ​​slots, you can probably stop crossing your fingers.

Khan did not stop there. He circles back to Byleth, noting that the character was originally part of the game’s main list. In other words, they weren’t a substitute for the aforementioned cut character. It has worked out like this before.

Finally, Khan notes that part of the appeal of Min Min being added as DLC was that she was a Nintendo character and thus easier to add than a guest character. Meanwhile, Sephiroth was cheaper than it normally would be, as Square Enix was keen to secure the deal, which may explain why we got a second Final Fantasy character for so many other in-demand characters from unrepresented series.

Of course, like all information about the unofficial and leaked variety, everything here should be taken with a good grain of salt. While Khan is reliable, nothing is official here and some of it is admittedly laced with a hint of speculation.

At the time of publication, neither Nintendo nor any other interested party has made any comments regarding the above information. This probably won’t change, but if it does, we’ll definitely update the story with whatever is on offer, salient or not. In the meantime for more coverage on Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, Click here.

H / T, Imran Khan and Reset Era.
