Square-Enix talks about how the Bravely Default II pandemic slowed down to 2021

Bravely Default II is coming to Switch on February 26, 2021, but the game was originally intended for launch in 2020. Unfortunately, the pandemic delayed the game significantly. In an interview with Famitsu, Bravely Default II producer Masashi Takahashi went into detail about how the pandemic was pushing things back. Check out his comments below, as translated by NintendoEverything.

Development overlapping with the spread of the virus coupled with not knowing for sure how long things would last had quite an impact on things.

For example, progress in recording speech for foreign languages ​​has been slow. We had to coach the voice actors remotely, and they had to record in their own house with no background noise, then send the audio back to us – everyone involved really gave it their all, and we made it happen. We are a few months behind schedule, but we did the voice work without much effort.

Both Square Enix and Claytechworks made the switch to working from home, so it took time to create home offices. Even after getting things started somewhat, we had a few miscommunications as it was our first time working like this. It was a tough decision, but given the situation, we have postponed the release to February 2021.
