“Special Edition” Gold Monster Hunter Rise amiibo ready for the taking in 7-Eleven Japan Lottery

Concepts - not yet finalized
Concepts – not yet finalized (Image: Capcom)

We’ve seen limited edition amiibo in the past, but this one Monster Hunter Rise those are possibly the rarest to date.

7-Eleven convenience stores in Japan have unveiled this “limited” and “special edition” gold amiibo set to celebrate the launch of Capcom’s upcoming Nintendo Switch release.

The catch – because there is always one – is that you can’t buy the set. You see, it’s actually part of a prize pool.

Anyone in Japan who buys a download card for the game between January 25 and April 11 automatically earns access to a special raffle and one of the prizes just happens to be this amiibo set.

According to Capcom’s official PR, the designs (above) are just concepts – the real version of this golden amiibo will be unveiled in the near future. There is also no word on how many sets will be available.

We think these will be quite valuable in the years to come. However, if you’re really desperate, you can always spray a standard kit.
