Space Force troops are called “guards.”

Service members in the year-old Space Force will be called “guards,” Vice President Pence announced Friday.

“It is my honor to announce on behalf of the President of the United States that the men and women of the United States Space Force will henceforth be known as guards,” Pence said at a ceremony at the White House on the occasion of the first anniversary of the service.

“Sailors, soldiers, airmen, marines, and guards will defend our nation for generations to come,” he added. “On behalf of your Commander in Chief, I would urge you all to keep pushing, keep pushing, keep pushing, the vision and mission of the United States Space Force, which is to keep America so dominant in space … as we are on land and at sea and in the air. “

In a tweet following the ceremony, the Space Force said the name was chosen after receiving “hundreds” of suggestions and after research with space professionals and the general public.

The name refers to the Air Force Space Command’s original 1983 motto, “guards of the high border,” the Space Force added in a press release.

The Space Force was created as the sixth arm of the army with President TrumpDonald Trump Jill Biden: PhD is one of the things I’m ‘most proud of’ Azar tells health department staff his wife has COVID-19: ‘Mild symptoms, but otherwise fine’ Michigan recovers from pandemic-related moratorium on water closures MOREsigning of the annual defense policy bill on 20 December 2019.

Its creation has been a top priority for Trump since he first put forward the idea in 2018 and turned it into reliable round of applause at his campaign meetings.

Although Trump came up with the name Space Force, the idea for a separate branch of the military for space arose in 2017 as a bipartisan idea.

The new service aims to protect US space assets, such as satellites, from terrestrial threats, including US adversaries Russia and China.

Since the idea for the Space Force was first pitched, there has been much speculation and interest in some of the lighter, cultural aspects of the service, such as the logo and motto, and which troops will be in the Space Force. be called and what will be its official song.

The Space Force announced its ‘semper supra’ motto and delta logo in July. The official logo came after Trump unveiled the service’s official seal in January, popularly known as the logo. The seal, which also revolves around a delta symbol, was derided by some online for resembling Star Trek’s Starfleet logo, although Space Force notes that the U.S. military has been using the delta in space agency emblems since 1961.

In May, Trump also unveiled the official flag, including the seal, at an Oval Office ceremony.
