Someone remade Hamilton’s entire first act in Animal Crossing

Hamilton is one of the most popular musicals in the world. Animal Crossing is currently one of the most popular games out there. I think it only makes sense for someone to combine them, but I didn’t expect it to be that damn good.

Somehow we at Kotaku missed this when we were the maker Guitar_Knight14 dropped it on YouTube back in December. Happy, Kotaku’s own Uncle Fahey shared the video with me so I can share it with you now.

In the beginning from the video, I just laughed at the novelty of it. But as the musical went on, I became increasingly impressed with the attention in detail, the way the camera moves to add more excitement to scenes, and the clever use of emotes and in-game items.

As the video progressed I started to get turned on to see how Guitar_Knight14 would pull the next upcoming song. I’m not even a big fan of it Hamilton and I still watched a lot more of it than I expected while compiling this post.

Guitar_Knight14 has also uploaded some videos explaining how they put this whole thing together if you are curious about that.

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