Snipping Tool Bug prevents Windows Insider users from copying and pasting screenshots

Illustration for the article titled Snipping Tool Bug keeps Windows Insider users from copying and pasting screenshots

Screenshot: Joanna Nelius / Gizmodo

Windows Insider members have found a problem with the latest version from Microsoft Windows 10 feature pack, a program that affects part of the screen clipping utility.

“We are currently removing the ability to copy and paste a screen clip directly into a folder in File Explorer due to an issue discovered thanks to feedback from Windows Insiders. We hope to re-enable this feature in a future update after we fix this issue, ” Microsoft said in a blog post.

Normally Windows 10 users have the option to copy and paste screen captures directly to a folder on their PC or to another program such as Slack. But Microsoft doesn’t know what’s causing the problem, so the company has disabled the feature for Windows Insider users only. Windows 10 users who are not enrolled in the program or Insiders who have not yet applied the latest feature pack are not affected.

The Snipping Tool and the newer Snip and Sketch are a big part of Windows 10. They are more efficient at taking screenshots and easy for users to navigate. Instead of using the Print Screen key on the keyboard and editing / saving screenshots in a photo editing program, it’s all built right into the tool. Microsoft will most likely figure out and fix what’s wrong with this part of the latest Windows Insider build before rolling out the updates to regular users.

Microsoft has also made some minor changes to the copy and paste feature in Windows 10 as a whole in recent months. For example, the clipboard only stored text entries, but now also images and HTML content, such as gifs and emojis. There is also a full GIF section that shows users trending GIFs around the web, and users can also access their clipboard (Windows key + V) on multiple devices by using the Synchronize between devices function under settings.
