Singer Zara Larsson fires her stylist for calling her ‘fat’


The sad reality is that celebrities are used to their physical appearance being subjected to a intensive checking and reading disrespectful comments or misplaced about it her body, but what is no longer so common is that the criticism comes from his own circle of employees.

That’s exactly what happened singer Zara Larsson, who made the decision fire your stylist Ryder Ripps after a series of text messages stating that the 23-year-old must give up projecting a sexy image and accept that she is “a fat woman

The person who is responsible for uncovering these insults is la rapper Azealia Banks, which was until a few days ago engaged to Ryder, known in the music world for working with stars such as Miley Cyrus and Kanye West.

Response from Zara She was not long in coming and has used social networks to express her surprise and outrage at the idea that someone she literally paid a salary to could have talked about her like that behind her back.

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“It’s not even about this particular conversation about me. I’m just getting tired of seeing women’s bodies treated like it’s a funny topic of conversation,” he added on Instagram.

“I know, my arms are bigger, I know, it’s genetics. This is my body type and it’s starting to affect me that people are constantly blaming it as a bad thing, even though I can’t change it.”

In addition to announcing that he is looking for a new creative director to replace Ryder, the Swedish artist He wanted to make it clear that he is very comfortable in his own skin and that he will not allow this unpleasant experience to affect his self-esteem.

“I just know that I am much healthier now than in a long time. I eat three meals a day, I am not constantly cold. I have energy and I love how my butt gets fat,” said the blonde.
