Silvio Rodríguez shares criteria that refer to “Patria y Vida” as a mediocre and opportunistic song

2 20/02/2021 – 5:24 PM (GMT-4)

Cuban singer-songwriter Silvio Rodríguez shared a comment saying that the controversial song “Patria y Vida”, from Gente de Zona, Descemer Bueno, Yotuel, El Funky and Maykel Osorbo, is “mediocre” and opportunistic. “

On his blog Second date, Silvio shared an opinion on Carlos Bernal Medina’s Facebook profile, confirming that “Patria y Vida” is a mediocre and opportunistic allusion to the sacrifice and goodness of the Cuban people, their history, their rights. “

The comment also says that the song “is a cowardly replica speculating on the need for all Cubans to build that homeland for everyone and for everyone. How differently Martí would say Cuba and the Night. You can’t live in peace while the homeland is. is infected, ”he said.

Capture the Second Date blog

Silvio also shared on his blog a comment on the blog of Harold Cárdenas, editor of La Joven Cuba, where he says the video for “Patria y Vida” would have a different taste if it weren’t from Cuban-Americans . Trumpism, which in a public trial forced GDZ and Descemer to make concessions and now make up for their past. “

“Almost all of these artists are in a privileged position and they all know the song is safe, there is a market for anti-communist art. I would like to know more about what is not mentioned, what is their alternative to the reality they This exercise “The optimism of artists (now activists) does not seem to strive to pay off the democratic debts of the nation, but rather to settle accounts in national history,” adds Cárdenas.

Finally, the comment quoted by Silvio says that “ the promotion of democracy involves safeguarding the political rights of everyone in a process of national reconciliation, it does not come from digital platforms and influencers who make concessions or identify with a movement politician who does not know how to respect democracy, even in the United States. I will continue to listen to GDZ, Orishas and Descemer, in the songs that were not mea culpa for the market. “

Capture the Second Date blog

Last year, Silvio Rodríguez was in the middle of a controversy after using your song i hope by the Orishas group, to which Yotuel belonged.

The Cuban singer-songwriter confirmed that he had not authorized the use of his well-known song: “” What do I think about this blatant violation of my rights as the author of Ojalá, which has been infamous for 50 years? It seems to me a regrettable act of parasitism, ”he said.

After the controversy, “Ojalá pasa” was removed from all platforms.

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