Showing the cross must be in harmony with the gospel

Pope Francis recalled on Sunday, March 21, during the Angelus’ prayer in the Vatican, that the cross “has become the emblem of Christians”.

He explained that those who come from countries and cultures where Christianity is little known and want to know more about Jesus, the first thing they see “in churches, with Christians, even in their own bodies” is the crucifix.

For this reason he stressed the importance of “the sign coherent with the gospel” because “the cross can only express love, service and unconditional devotion: only in this way is the ‘tree of life’, of life abundant. present. “.

The Pope, who again privately chaired the Angelus from the Library of the Apostolic Palace due to the increase in restrictions in Italy due to the coronavirus pandemic, made this reflection of the Gospel of Saint John fragment, where he tells how a group of Greeks They approach the apostle Philip and ask to see Jesus.

Jesus answers that request “in a way that leads to reflection. It goes like this: “The hour has come for the Son of Man to be glorified […] If the grain of wheat does not fall to the ground and die, it remains alone; but when it dies, it bears much fruit. ‘

“These words,” noted the Pope, “do not seem to answer the request of those Greeks. In fact, they go further. In fact, Jesus reveals that, for any man who will seek Him, He is the hidden seed that is willing to seek Him. die to bear much fruit. As if to say, if you want to know and understand me, look at the grain of wheat dying on earth, look at the cross. “

The Holy Father emphasized that “too many people today, often without saying it implicitly, want to ‘see Jesus’, want to meet him, want to know him. Because of this we understand the great responsibility of Christians and of our communities ”.

We too must respond with the testimony of a life given in service. It’s about sowing seeds of love, not with words that blow the wind, but with concrete, simple and courageous examples ”.

In this way, Pope Francis emphasized, “with His grace, let us bear fruit even when the ground is dry from misunderstandings, difficulties, or persecutions.”

“Just then, during the trial and in solitude, while the seed dies, is the moment when life sprouts, in order to bear ripe fruit in its time. It is in this web of death and life that we can experience joy and happiness. True fertility of love, ”he concluded.
