Show your figure! Noelia with bold transparent lace

The singer Noelia has certainly left her followers more than impressed thanks to her most recent video in which she seems to show off her beautiful skin, the performer of “Candela” wearing black lace lingerie with transparencies on it.

Noelia continuously shares content on his official Instagram account, the only social network he keeps active, possibly this is because of the constant activities he has to perform during the day and because of his various companies to which he undoubtedly pays a lot of attention, which is precisely why it is only focused on a single social network.

This leads us despite the fact that Noelia She is engaged in her many activities and the only way to share something with her followers is via Instagram, which is certainly not bothering them, as the businesswoman also delights her fans with her content practically every day.

In her most recent publication, the beautiful singer shared a video of a few seconds, dancing to Blondie’s’ 90s hit “Call me”, doing it, moving her hips to the beat of the music, spreading her legs , raises his arms and shows all its splendor.

While his followers are excited to see the cute clothes he’s wearing, Noelia It does nothing but brag twice as it not only shows off the gorgeous figure it owns but also the design that is part of the Lingerie Noelicious line.


Part of the many businesses the beautiful Puerto Rican has managed to develop is her line of bold clothing, which you can find on her page, you can find all kinds of designs and best of all, Noelia also works with plus size designs, which not many companies do, so it has an added point to think about plus size women.

The performer of “Clávame tu amor” has conquered the hearts of millions, first she did it with her music and the lyrics of her songs, to date we continue to listen to one of her greatest hits “Tú” and also to “Candela” He started to attract attention after entering the world of OnlyFans with his figure.

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But maybe not many know but Noelia She’s also committed to helping society: while she hasn’t done as much publicity as it should, the people involved have thanked her, and they’ve also become her loyal followers, and the singer and businesswoman decided to help the health sector by food for the workers for several months.

Another project she doesn’t speak about publicly, and although she has mentioned it in interviews, is helping other women who have been abused, as happened to the singer at some point in her life, of which she happily has a chapter healed and this gives him the opportunity to help others who need it, so he also takes the time to visit some associations and give talks about his experiences.

Noelia could launch a project in which she shows her support against human trafficking, supports the legalization of the profession, offers our bodies to people, although in this case they are customers, all for a moment of passion, Noelia thinks it should be legalized. these types of workers, both men and women, have the support of the government and thus reduce human trafficking a bit. What they plan to do is sure to be quite an event.

Being a victim of human trafficking and human trafficking is not the same as being a prosecutor, ‘she shared with Show News.

Also read: Noelia’s fishnet stockings enhance her charms while dancing
