Shopping game: Super Bowl 2021

Illustration for article entitled Shop Contest: Super Bowl 2021

Statue: NFL / Nintendo / Kotaku

The big game! The last game. The super thing! Whatever you call it, the Super Bowl is today. It seems weird having a Super Bowl during a pandemic, but hey, what do I know.

Your challenge this week: Add some video game characters to soccer!

Football is fine. It’s a bit boring at times, but with a few good snacks and a comfortable chair, it’s a great sport to enjoy for a few hours. Do you know what would make it better? Video game characters! Let’s add a few to the mix.

-NOTE FROM ZACK LAWYERS: Kotaku / ZACK SWISS is not affiliated with, officially endorsed by, or directly associated with the national football league or the Super Bowl. This blog is just a fun little game themed on a popular sporting event and uses only the name Super Bowl as a form of parody, satire, and under fair use. –

That was strange. Anyway!

Next week I will choose a winner and some of my favorites!

Please note that the image submission rules have changed a little bit. We are now looking for images that are 800 pixels wide!

How to submit – instructions

1. Create your ‘Shop and save it to your desktop. Images must be at least 800 pixels wide.

2. Go to the bottom of this post

3. A comment box will appear. Click on “Choose file” if you are uploading your ‘store from your desktop

4. You can also upload the ‘Shop’ to a free image hosting service. I recommend imgur. Then paste the URL of the image into the ‘Image URL’ field. Note that this must be the URL of the image itself, not the page it is displayed on. That means the URL ends in .jpg, .gif, .png, whatever.

5. Add editorial comment and click Submit and your image will be loaded. If not, upload the image to imgur and paste the image URL as a comment. I will look at it.

6. Large size images may not upload properly although we have seen some animated .gifs over 5MB. If you are still having trouble uploading the image, try to keep the longest size (horizontal or vertical) below 1000 pixels, or the whole below 2MB.

