Seth Meyers shames Mike Pence for choosing Trump over America

When his potentially illegal phone call to the Georgia Secretary of State went blank this week, President Donald Trump has now turned his attention to his own Vice President for assistance, to declare that Mike Pence “has the power to reject fraudulently elected voters.”

“Now, to be clear, Pence does not have the power to just reverse the results, despite Trump’s insistence on Twitter today,” Seth Meyers said during his latest “A Closer Look” segment on Tuesday. “No, he doesn’t”, the Late at night host added. All Pence has to do is count. Pence cannot change the results any more than Vanna White can change the sentence on the board. “

“Although, apparently, even counting is difficult for Pence,” he continued, pointing to one New York Times report quoting someone close to the vice president who described his duties Wednesday as “heartbreaking, saying he needed to balance the president’s misguided views of the government with his own years of deference to the constitution.”

“That’s as I say it’s ‘heartbreaking’ to balance my years of preaching a healthy diet with my four-year-old’s desire to eat a thousand gummy worms,” ​​Meyers joked. But don’t overthink Mike Pence’s gut, because he’s really been condoned in recent years. And now he has to choose between the constitution and a sleazy mafia illegally calling election officials cold, begging for votes like a telemarketer. ”
