See different bright meteors from different parts of the island | Gift

The sighting of at least three remarkable meteors was recorded last night, culminating in a bolide (bright meteor) at around 10:47 PM.

The Society for Astronomy of the Caribbean (SAC) indicated that the bright meteor was visible from all over the island, looking northeast. Some observers report that it showed a striking and colorful wake, while others even perceived a sound.

“The detail that it emitted a sound is extremely interesting because, as we know, light travels faster than sound, but on several occasions a simultaneous sound has been recorded with a meteor. It is known as an electrophonic meteor,” said Eddie Irizarry. , vice president of the SAC.

He pointed out that it is a soft sound and explained that some meteors sometimes emit very low radio frequencies, which cause vibrations in objects on the Earth’s surface, which our ears perceive as a sound similar to a deep fryer or a torch, while others compare them it with the sound of “poinsettias”.

The SAC highlighted that another bright meteor was spotted from the island last Monday and pointed out that the bright meteor spotted last night was also from the constellation of Cancer.

“This means it is linked to the Delta Cancrids, which are producing a few but bright meteors,” said the educational entity.

The trajectory of the fragments causing the Delta Cancrids is somewhat similar to that of asteroid 2001 YB5, so it cannot be ruled out that they are residues released by these space rock.

The organization had expected that this “drizzle” of meteors could trigger the sighting of a few until January 24.
