Sea levels are rising faster than most pessimistic forecasts

Credit: European Space Agency

Climate change is causing oceans to rise faster than scientists’ most pessimistic predictions, resulting in past flood risks for coastal economies that are already struggling to adapt.

The revised estimates were published in Tuesday Ocean Science affects two fifths of the world’s population living near coasts. Trillion-dollar insured properties can be even more at risk from floods, superstorms, and tidal waves. The research suggests that countries will have to curb their greenhouse gas emissions even more than expected to keep sea levels under control.

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“It means our carbon budget is going to be depleted even further,” said Aslak Grinsted, a geophysicist at the University of Copenhagen who co-authored the study. Economies must cut 200 billion tons of additional carbon – equivalent to about five years of global emissions – to stay within the thresholds set by previous forecasts, he said.

refers to sea levels rising faster than most pessimistic forecasts

The warmer it gets, the faster the sea level will rise. The sensitivity models of the future seem to conflict with historical data.

Credit: Aslak Grinsted
