se esperan hasta 2 pies de nieve

The north of Estados Some of the first milestones una tormenta invernal de grandes proporciones, with the name, the heladas, the inundaciones costeras and the fuertes vientos, the waiting provocator cortes of electricity and the baja visible on the carreteras, an estimate of the meteorology.

A first hora de la Tarde, the Tormenta ya a provocation of condiciones de viaje peligrosas and partes de Costa del Atlántico Medio.

The first time you register in the region of Baltimore, Washington DC and Nueva York, read the meteorological logos that you can compare with a summary of your questions.

See espera que la tormenta a unas 70 millones de personas, with algunas or acumulando hasta dos pies (mid metro) by nieve el jueves, indicó nuestra cadena hermana NBC News.

[¿El coronavirus se propaga más fácilmente en temperaturas frías? Esto es lo que sabemos]

Las temperaturas gélidas llegaron en la mañana a Virginia y Carolina del Norte, donde la agencia de emergencias estatal instó a los conductores a tener cuidado en las carreteras.

The best and available presenciales of northern Virginia have a Philadelphia and aircraft announcement for a short time and a miércoles.

It is a warning to good breath and a good start to public transport transportation, and it is the case of Jersey now. Breath, with a view of the problem of normal skin in view of the corona virus.

Para the norte of California también se pronostica una tormenta de invierno with fortifications in the mountains and in the mountains of the milestones by the tarde, or without a recommendation in the region of the surroundings of the mountains.

Cuban Cuban cities with a salt and salt water for the sea in the sea and with large and large amounts of a sea. The recommendation of the autoridades and the permanent en casa.

Esta va a ser una tormenta seria, y la gente debe tomarlo en serio“, advirtió el alcalde de Nueva York, Bill de Blasio, and una conferencia de prensa el martes.

The normal line of the big queue has a view of the city near the Blasio, the river Blasio, the new generation and the neoyorquino’s near the metro and the sea. The country has an Ordenado regulator near the sky and the hanging antes of 2 de la tarde.

The service of the meteorological service of the city of Nueva York, nevadas of the minicoles and of the time of the kids and of the mañana.

Un temporal and medio de la pandemia

La gobernadora de Rhode Island, Gina Raimondo, dijo en un mensaje el martes por la noche que read pruebas de COVID-19 in suspenderán it is a place in the place where the stage is, it is important to see what it is like to find a place for building buildings.

Aun así, autoridades de la salud han indicado que no se espera que la tormenta interrumpa la distribución de vacunas contra el COVID-19, wait at one of the lunes in town. Visiting the first line of the first line.

“It’s a load from FedEx, from a UPS express. This is a member of time with time and time. Pero estamos atentos a lo que ocurra “, Secretary of Salud and Servicios Humanos de los Estados Unidos, Alex Azar, a Fox News Channel.

In Nueva Jersey, there is a ban on commercial matters and an algunas overlooking the river without the vans and transport of the vacuna. In Nueva York, this is the first site of the first hospital and distribution center vacancy in 90 hospitals, and it is not possible to see what is happening.

Nevadas intensas hasta el jueves

And Pennsylvania, the gobernador, Tom Wolf, a permanent place for the storm’s distress call with the center of the dais with a forecast of 24 hours (60 cents) of the nieve.

Wolf pidió a los residentes que se queden and casa, Manteniendo así las carreteras y vías despejadas, for evitar riesgos y mientras el estado distribuye the vacuna contra COVID-19.

[Rescatada una mujer desaparecida seis días en un auto cubierto de nieve: “Creí que estábamos condenados”]

And Nueva Jersey los trenes operan and a horario especially for clima different este miércoles.

The NJ Transit transport has an ad that can be adjusted at the end of the season, the option to cancel and change the normal intensity conditions. See a visit to the department’s website for updates.

And New England, see espera que las nevadas se extiendan hasta la mañana del jueves. Near the mayor, the precipitation of the Costa lies on the other side of the city.

The meteorology renderings are near Maine and have a Virginia acumularis entre tres and seis pulgadas (siete en diecisiete centímetros) from nieve.

[La ONU advierte que la Tierra se acerca a un “suicidio medioambiental”]

El noroeste the Virginia también podría tener aguanieve yheelo, según el Servicio Meteorológico Nacional, y Maryland activo a respuesta estatale for a una tormenta with a cake (30 cents) de nieve acumulada in Hagerstown.

With information on NBC News, Associated Press and The New York Times.
