Schoen says the Trump team will be “very well prepared” after criticism

Former President TrumpDonald Trump DOJ asks for resignation of most Trump-appointed US lawyers: Report Trump attorney withdraws request not to hold impeachment trial on Saturday Kinzinger in op-ed calls GOP senators to convict Trump in impeachment processLawyer David Schoen defended his team’s performance on Tuesday at the start of the Senate impeachment trial, which has even been criticized by some Republican senators.

Schoen, talking to Fox News Sean HannitySean Patrick Hannity Hannity: ‘Not a single conservative I know’ shares Greene’s ‘conspiratorial beliefs’ Biden sits down for pre-Super Bowl CBS interview Trump, former impeachment attorney arguing over fees: report MORE, said Bruce Castor, Trump’s other attorney, had no intention of starting his argument Tuesday and that he and his law firm “appear to be very capable people.”

“So I’m sure they will be well prepared in the future and do a great job in the case,” said Schoen.

The defense comes after Castor’s performance was widely panned after he made a meandering argument that included the beginnings of democracies, individual senators name searches and only briefly mentioned the January 6 riot on Capitol Hill, the center of the impeachment process.

“Anyone who listened to President Trump’s legal team saw that they were not focused, they were trying to avoid the issue and they were talking about everything but the issue,” Sen said. Bill CassidyBill Cassidy GOP Senator Compares Trump Impeachment Proceedings To Soviet ‘Show Trial’ GOP Senator: Officials Show ‘They Don’t Care If They Have To Work With Us’ Sunday Preview Shows: Budget Resolution Paves Way For 0.9 Trillion Stimulus; Senate gears up for MORE impeachment trial (R-La.) After the start of the trial.

“I thought the president’s attorney, the first attorney, just went on and on and didn’t really go into the constitutional argument,” added Sen. John CornynJohn Cornyn The GOP’s Deportation ‘Prisoner’s Dilemma’ Senate Braces For Chaotic Session As Democrats Pursue Coronavirus Law House Approves Budget Resolution For COVID-19 Package MORE (R-Texas).

Hannity told Schoen that during the proceedings he had received calls from conservatives telling him, “Hey, we need someone here to hit harder.”

“There is a lot to say, and I know they feel very eager to fight what they see,” Schoen responded.
