Sad! Galilea Montijo took out his dirty “rags” in “Hoy”

A series of controversies in which the popular host “TodayGalilea Montijo and other collaborators would reveal controversial situations such as “infidelity” and even “money problems” came to light after they met each other. “harina Challenge“.

Apparently, for some people, the arrival of the New Year will begin with new controversies that the directors of the early broadcast of “Today“After revealing some” dirty laundry, “it was Galilee Montijo who also had something to say.

After the cast of drivers faced off in a game called “flour challenge”, where several different situations were revealed that they would have experienced in 2020, the moment was completely revealing.

The Debts of Galilee Montijo

In the midst of the interaction between the presenters, she was the one who remembered “ex girl tvwho hinted that by 2020 he had embraced “a lot of debt.”

GaliShe pointed out that she was forced to borrow throughout the year, before revealing more details, the driver filled her face with white powder, indicating that she was facing the situation that would prompt her to borrow. , did not specify the amount or treatment or circumstances in which this measure was affected.

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It must be said that the confessions of the famous presenter of the Televisa program were irrelevant compared to those of other members of the host cast.


An example of this was the presenter on “Black” Araiza who, as he rushed to take his turn, smacked his face with talcum powder on the pillow and answered questions about “infidelity” suggested by the same actor and television figure after his answer.

Other controversial confessions came from Stanley and Van Rankin, who revealed that they resorted to cosmetic procedures that were Botox injections that same year, for his part, Paul Stanley admitted that in 2020 he had dieted to be healthier. Like Marisol González, who stands out as one of the most beautiful and who takes good care of her figure.

Likewise, some of the “mischief” allegedly committed against Andrea Escalona came to light, such as the fact that he “threw his clothes in Acapulco because he was ugly” or when Paul and Rankin’s tattooed in full air. .

We must not forget that 2020 was a difficult year for the television program, after the various contagions between the members of the production, they were also confronted at the end of November with the sudden loss of their producer Magda Rodríguez.

After this, it was rumored that several changes would be made to the broadcast, moments later in which the director’s sister took her place.

Finally, it was a photo Montijo shared in Acapulco, where he was seen in a group photo with his family and some of his companions, leading to several criticisms of not respecting health measures due to the virus.

He was also picked for not sharing the news and paying tribute to the character as in other production houses, but other media outlets pointed out that the possible reasons were due to the broadcast recording his last shows in Acapulco.

You can also read They call Galilee Montijo and Today’s drivers irresponsible

This is how on December 30, 2020, the employees of one of the most experienced programs on the part of the San Ángel television station, “Hoy”, closed for another year, in memory of the good and bad moments of the year that went away. .
