Russian couple have 11 children and say they want to have 105

MOSCOW, RUSSIA. – Christina Ozturk (23) and the employer Galip Ozturk (56) are willing to break records to be the largest family in the world. They currently have 11 children, but they want to reach 105.

According to Russian media, this couple is so fond of the parents’ lives that the businessman is willing to pay more than a million dollars to have 100 babies through surrogacy.

SEE: Natalie Suleman, the woman who gave birth to eight children thanks to insemination

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“Right now I have eleven kids with the newest addition, Olivia, who arrived late last month,” Christina told Newsflash.

“I myself gave birth to my oldest daughter, Vika, six years ago. The rest of the children are genetic from my husband and mine, but they were carried by surrogates, ”he explained.

ALSO: Married couple will have their 22nd child in 30 years of marriage

“I don’t know how many there will be in the end, but we certainly don’t plan to stop at 11am. We’re just not ready to talk about the final number. Everything has its time, ”he added.

The young mother also said that the agency is responsible for finding the mothers and that they have no contact with her, but they do take care of what they eat and their expenses to better care for the woman who will take care of their child.

OF IMPORTANT: Mustafa Magambo, Ugandan man who has 176 children, 90 grandchildren and 13 wives
