Ronald D. Moore teases the For All Mankind finale of the second season and beyond

It’s T-minus a week until the Season 2 finale of AppleTV + ‘s alternative reality space drama, For all of humanitySet throughout the season in the 1980s, the story reveals and explores the repercussions of the Soviet Union hitting the United States and NASA on the moon in Season 1. In particular, comes the militarization of NASA. this season. finale, with the Pathfinder mission, led by Mission Commander Edward Baldwin (Joel Kinnaman), set out to protect Jamestown lunar base from the launch of Soviet Buran.

In an interview with select reporters today, the series’ executive producer / co-creator, Ronald D. Moore told SYFY WIRE that he and the show’s writers made sure to put many markers on the state of the dueling space programs. 1983, while we jumped another decade into the ’90s for Season 3.

“As writers, it was important to us that we give the audience a big, satisfying ‘Oh my god!’ edge-of-your-seat ending with the season, but that we’re not too far away from the characters, “Moore teased.” The characters are really what the show is, so it was very important for us to spend some time. bring them all the way to the end of the finale, to get in touch with everyone, because that’s where you leave them in the 1980s before jumping forward another decade. “

In an exclusive clip from the second season finale, ‘The Gray’, the Pathfinder crew searches for their cosmonaut counterparts in the orbit of the moon:

Like every season of For all of humanity progressing, each at a leap of a decade at a time, Moore said the series will become increasingly sci-fi as the historical events of the reality are adapted, or directly changed, for the needs of their story. He said for the writers, it’s more liberating the less they are tied to actual history, but it’s also been more challenging to keep the public connected.

“It makes us a little more careful in terms of: we still want the public to have a connection with real history,” he explained. So when you go into the 1990s in Season 3, we still want the audience to remember some aspects of the 1990s. But sometimes you want to change them so that they happen in a different way. But it’s important that the audience still feels that we are telling a story about us, and the story of the world they knew, and that it just gone differently. ”Hoping for more season shots after Season 3, Moore said the diverging timelines will remain the biggest challenge of the ever-evolving series.

Meanwhile, Moore admitted that he is thrilled to see the audience respond to the copious amount of historical Easter eggs woven into not only the story but the surrounding production design in a particular scene. “I was hoping people would dig into all the Easter eggs that were planted in the background of the show, like on the televisions, or just casual conversation, or the plaques on walls and headlines and television broadcasts. to see how many people are fascinated by the implications of different events, such as a crisis taking place in Panama instead of the Middle East, or how the situation that divided Berlin would play out, different missions that did and did not happen like Challenger, and political problems and political ramifications of things like Reagan coming in in 1976 instead of 1980. And then pop culture stuff like John Lennon, life, and so on. ”

He continues: “It was really great because in the first season people weren’t quite sure what to focus on in terms of the alternate history, because we started so close to the real history. There was a slow distraction. the row. But in season two, it’s a pretty big divergence. And I love that people are debating it online. “

As for Moore’s continued involvement in For all of humanity In light of his new deal of developing scripts and properties into theatrical scripts and TV shows for The Walt Disney Company and 20th Century, he confirmed that he would still have a creative hand in seasons to come.

“I was pretty involved with Season 3 when we started working on it before I left Sony and started working for Disney,” explained Moore. But he reiterated that early on, he and the rest of the writers mapped out an overall plan for entire series that remains the framework for the future.

“I made the show with Matt [Wolpert] and am [Nedivi], and so they are now the daily showrunners. But I’m very involved, ”he said. I’m in the writers’ rooms. I’ve read the scripts. I’m in the post so I’m definitely involved. I’m just not there from day to day. Matt and Ben are the two guys on the spot. But I love this show. It is very close and dear to me so I look forward to continuing to work with it. But yeah, my main focus will be on the new projects I’m developing for Disney and 20th Century, because that’s the new deal. For all of humanity is in very capable hands. “
