Roberto Palazuelos would become the executor of Andrés García and eventually became his main heir | Telenovelas | SHOWS

In November 2020 Andres Garcia He spoke of his possible death, so he made his will. To the surprise of locals and strangers, the brave film and television company named actor Roberto Palazuelos the heir to 50% of all his properties, far more than what he left to his own family, as his wife and children were left with only 10%. respectively.

MORE INFORMATION: Andrés García and the last telenovela he worked on

As is well known, Roberto Palazuelos and Andres Garcia They have been good friends for years, and not only that, as the so-called ‘Black Diamond’ also acts as their attorney. A few days ago, García even revealed that he met the actor and his family.

While, Palazuelos He went out to clarify the details because, as he said, this situation has led him to have problems with the children of the soap opera. Roberto explained all about the will of the man he calls his second father.

The actors have maintained a good friendship since they met (Picture: Instagram / Roberto Palazuelos)
The actors have maintained a good friendship since they met (Picture: Instagram / Roberto Palazuelos)


In an interview for the Ventaneando program, Roberto Palazuelos He explained the subject of his friend’s will. At first, García asked him to be the executor of his properties to exercise control over them and bring order to his family members.

“I suggested that he appoint me as executor so that I could order among all his relatives to divide his property because he felt he was going to die. Then suddenly one day he came up to me and said the will was already there and I said, ‘Okay, did you make me the executor?’, He says, ‘Yes’. I say ‘Let me check it out’ and all of a sudden I start reading it and I’ve left 50 percent of all its traits “, said Roberto Palazuelos.

The actor noted that at another point Andres Garcia He lives on the income he gets from the sale of his properties, as he is currently not working and prefers to enjoy his family life.

To the surprises of locals and strangers, the gallant film and television actor named Roberto Palazuelos as the heir to 50% of all his properties (Picture: Instagram / Roberto Palazuelos)
To the surprises of locals and strangers, the gallant film and television actor named Roberto Palazuelos as the heir to 50% of all his properties (Picture: Instagram / Roberto Palazuelos)

“From the beginning, I will continue to sell his properties to maintain it as Andrés is not currently working. They still owe you a little bit of a copy we sold, which they pay you in installments. Now I have to build the battery to sell ‘El castillo’ – the actor’s luxurious mansion – and I would like to do the same operation because people are not very runny at the moment and so their wool falls little by little so they do don’t waste it because he is very generous and by helping him the money will go, but then no one will help him “, he assured.

On the other hand, Palazuelos also clarified the problems that had arisen as a result of the will with García’s children. The actor revealed that Sandy Bell, Andrés García’s ex-wife, was haunted because she believed she would lose her apartment, to which he explained how the distribution worked and that not only would she keep that house, but she would also own 10 percent of the property. its holdings have name now. Not that they hated him. What happens is there was misinformation “, he clarified.

Finally, although the ‘Black diamond’ is the main heir, Andrés García also considered many other family members: “He leaves 10 percent to his sister, 10 percent to Sandy, 10 percent to Margarita, 10 percent to Andresito (his son who lives in Miami), 10 percent to Leonardo and 50 percent to me.”, the actor revealed.

Palazuelos also clarified the problems that arose as a result of the will with García's children (Picture: Class Magazine)
Palazuelos also clarified the problems that arose as a result of the will with García’s children (Picture: Class Magazine)
