Roberto Palazuelos wants to honor the memory of Andrés García by making him a hotel | THE UNMARTY

Mexico City.- Roberto Palazuelos continues to give the actor all his support and support Andres Garcia, after the long-lived actor confirmed that the so-called “Black Diamond” will receive 50 percent of his inheritance upon death.

Rather than waiting for the goods the famed telenovela heartthrob can leave behind, Palazuelos confessed that if he fails in his attempt to sell Don Andrés’ assets before his death, he plans to set up a hotel to build his memory.

“I would make Andrés García’s hotel, I would call it” Hotel La Leyenda “and there I would honor a lot with pictures of him, things about him, not a museum, but a hotel that reminds us of all the actors he worked with who film time, especially a part few people know of Andrés García, who is the son of a national hero, the son of an air force pilot’s pilot hero, he was one of the men who shot down the most planes in the war, but I’m going to try to sell his life, if we stopped selling, we would open the hotel, ”said the actor during his meeting with reporters at Mexico City International Airport.

However, Palazuelos insisted that he doesn’t want to take advantage of the situation, so he is also considering García’s other heirs if his idea for the hotel comes true.

“Remember the other 50 percent is divided into five (people who have 10 percent), we’re talking Andresito, Leonardo, Sandy, their mom, Margarita, and Andrés’s sister, so those 5 would be partners of the hotel and would receive their shares from the hotel, ”he said.

Regarding the health of his father, who has been diagnosed with cancer, Roberto commented, “No way! … he was diagnosed with bone cancer, blood cancer, but he’s cheerful and well, the whole family we live in is ghosts. Death is the only sure thing we have in this life, every man has his time to hear when and that’s exactly what he answered me when I told him how he felt, he’s a wise man, he’s very educated, he’s a man who never got sick, and in his 80 years, just turned 80, shortly after he started having pain and we thought it was bone, when they checked him out it was bone cancer ”.

On the other hand, the 53-year-old actor was questioned by the brand with the mother’s last name Luis Miguel, and true to his habit, he stated that he was not afraid of possible competition with his clothing brand.

“Oh please, I sell caps … I didn’t know, but if it’s his last name they can do whatever they want to him, it’s his last name,” he concluded.

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