Ricardo Rosselló is rebuilding his life: he has a new job, buys a house for $ 1.2 million and invests in treatment against COVID-19

After more than a year after leaving La Fortaleza the former governor Ricardo Rosselló He acknowledged that resignation from governor was a “painful” process, but now he celebrates that his life is beginning to take a new turn and tries to assert himself for the people.

In an interview with the newspaper The New York Times, the scientist revealed that he started working as a consultant for the cloud services company My Business Matches and is investing in a Chinese company to provide treatment for the COVID-19, While that he bought a house outside of Washington DC last month. for $ 1.2 million after living in the Airbnb app between apartments and rentals for a year.

As president of the island, the former professor made $ 70,000 annually.

The company he works for is based in San Antonio, Texas. According to the Comptroller’s Office, the company had two contracts with the Puerto Rico Trade and Export Company in 2015 and 2018 respectively.

Rosselló resigned amid protests against him after 889 pages of the controversial were published chat the Telegram between him and 11 family members. On this messaging platform, they wrote homophobic, misogynistic and offensive comments, discussed public and partisan policy issues. He also gave instructions on how to manage government strategies.

The protests, which lasted more than two weeks, ended with his resignation on July 24, 2019.

“It was painful to lose the position of governor”, he assured in the interview. “It was painful because I worked so hard to achieve it and I thought we were doing good things. But I think what has been really painful is this kind of total destruction of my reputation “he added.

He revealed that he knew he had to leave the office when he had an accident with his family in the middle of the demonstrations into a hole in the road. He indicated that his two-year-old daughter, Claudia Beatriz, thought they had been shot.

“It was clear he couldn’t protect her”he confessed. “That was when it really came out.”

For many, the conversation was what reinforced outrage against the ex-president as the questioned treatment of Hurricane María and the corruption arrests of several officials of his government put people on the streets.

Rosselló, however, believed it was his moment “Show the other side of that story” and “From my point of view, everything I did I did for the people of Puerto Rico.” The former governor tries to clear his name and accepts to hire professional relations.

“I’m not looking for people who think I am a gift from God to the world, but I don’t expect them to see me as the opposite,” he added in the interview published in English and Spanish.

Therefor, He emphasized that he had spent a week without sleep after the hurricane and that he went out to rescue people who were in trouble because of the atmospheric phenomenon. According to him, that led to him suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder in the days following the disaster that killed more than 3,000 on the island.

“Maria’s death is a terrible, terrible pain that I always bear,” he said in the interview with the American media.

The same, He defended that his government has enacted major energy reforms, taken steps to fight corruption and raised construction workers’ salaries.

The former governor, who admitted that he has slowly returned to normal, acknowledged that there were ‘errors of judgment’ during his tenure and that his biggest mistakes according to the interview were: ‘trying to change many things too soon, working too much and not getting enough sleep to get. enough”.
