En la lucha contra el COVID-19 in the Amazonía la Red Eclesial Panamazónica realiza este 10 de diciembre un Seminario Webinar sobre read the experience acerca de cómo los pueblos indígenas han encontrado of resistir of the pandemia utilizando plantas medices para virus evitar on propagación y saliva evitar vidas
Vatican News
El eje de Justicia Socio ambiental y Buen Vivir de la Red Eclesial Panamazónica (REPAM), realiza este 10 de diciembre and seminario Webinar soobre las expercias acerca de cómo los pueblos indígenas of an encontrado or resistir of the pandemia del COVID-19 uses plant medicines para combatir el virus, evitar su propagación y salvar vidas.
More from train ta en seis mil personas fallecidas
The Amazon has a unique territory and difference from a COVID-19 document, without having a precarious sanitation infrastructure or other description of the area, or a contagion system or other product. Informed by the REPAM of pasado on 7, with contabilizaban 1,540,226 confirmed casos y 36,839 personas fallecidas. En el documento se lee:
Experiences with the use of traditional medicine
Con este seminario Webinar is one of the most recent experiences in the history of traditional medicine and the fight against COVID-19.
It is an event with a specific destination, the fortress of the experience world, and it is a place where the view and perspective of the water are located. Check out the experience and results of curativos como en el intercambio cultural que ello ha generado. It is an intercambian experience and a relacionado of the promoción of the salud mental, enfocando of problemática no sólo or the medicina física sino con el enfoque de salud mental dentro del enfoque de la salud integral.
Exhibitors and organizador
A seminar that is part of the exhibition of Betty Souza, an indígena from the city of Tikuna in Colombia, and representatives of the Cáritas Madre de Dios, the Perú, and the Instituto Pe Ezequiel Ramin – IPER, de Brazil. The event will be visible at 2pm, in Ecuador’s hora, 8pm in Italy, Spain and Portugal, and it will be broadcast by YouTube from the Red Eclesial Panamazónica: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCC86WePHS58KSYO6nKSe0yA
Justicia Socio-ambiental de los pueblos amazónicos
A seminar with a dedicated area for intercambiare and retro-different experiences with different types of países with a more fortunate or more in the background Social-ambiental and Buen Vivir de los pueblos amazónicos.
Alternatives to desarrollo
The social environment and vacation of the REPAM are composed of a consensus about the life of one person or a house for a free house and another. Participate in personal settings and institution and experiential experiences and alternative ways of living, social environmental factors and forms of capacities and practical applications.