Rep. Steve Cohen says he is Rep. Lauren Boebert has been seen touring for Capitol Riot Day

Representative Steve Cohen (D-TN) said Monday that he saw QAnon-curious freshman congressman Lauren Boebert (R-CO) lead a “large group” on a tour of the Capitol in the days before the riots. Cohen said he does not know if anyone in the crowd later participated in the violent attack on the Capitol on January 6. Democrats have claimed that a GOP colleague gave a “reconnaissance tour” of the Capitol the day before the crowd stormed the building. Over the weekend, Boebert denied being the member – even though no one had accused her by name – and said she was not leading “ external groups of insurgents. ”

Cohen – who is on the Judiciary Committee – said on CNN Monday that Rep. John Yarmuth “refreshed my memory yesterday” that they had seen Boebert “take a group of people for a tour sometime after the third and before the sixth.” Boebert has not yet publicly responded to Cohen’s comments.
