Renewal of Faith, Hope and Love: Pope Francis’s Message for Lent 2021

In his message for Lent 2021, Pope Francis calls on the faithful to “renew our faith, draw upon the living waters of hope, and receive the love of God with an open heart.”

By Christopher Wells

Pope Francis focuses on the three theological virtues in his message of fast for 2021 and invites believers to “renew our faith, draw upon the living waters of hope, and receive with an open heart the love of God”.

The Pope bases his reflection on the Paschal Mystery, saying, “This fast … is now even illuminated by the light of the resurrection, which inspires the thoughts, attitudes, and decisions of the followers of Jesus.”

He goes on to say that the journey of repentance, through fasting, prayer, and alms, “enables us to live a life of genuine faith, living hope, and effective charity.”

Accept the truth and bear witness to it

The Holy Father explains, “To accept and live the truth revealed in Christ, is first of all to open our hearts to God’s word.” By fasting, “experienced as a form of self-denial,” we are able to “rediscover God’s gift and recognize that, created in His image and likeness, we find our fulfillment in Him.” Also, by helping us recognize our own poverty, it helps us to love both God and our neighbor.

“Lent is a time to believe,” says the Pope, “to welcome God into our lives and let Him ‘dwell’ in us.”

The ‘living water’ that helps us on our way

Pope Francis associates the virtue of hope with the “living water” that Jesus promises the Samaritan woman at the well. This is not the physical water that the woman expects, but rather the Holy Spirit given by the Paschal Mystery.

While hope may seem challenging in fragile and uncertain times, “Lent is the very time of hope when we return to God.”

Hope, he says, “is given to us as inspiration and inner light” through “remembrance and silent prayer.” The experience of hope in Lent, he says, “means receiving the hope of Christ, who gave his life on the cross and was raised by God on the third day.”

Love, the highest expression of faith and hope

“Love is a leap in the heart,” said Pope Francis. “It takes us out of ourselves and creates bonds of sharing and community.”

The Holy Father emphasizes the need for “social love” in building “a civilization of love.”

“Love is a gift that gives meaning to our lives,” he says. Love helps us to see all men and women as our brothers and sisters. Charity is multiplied when we are given with love, as we see not only in Scripture but also in our own lives, when we give alms “with joy and simplicity.”

“Experiencing the fast with love,” said Pope Francis, “means caring for those suffering or feeling abandoned because of the Covid-19 pandemic.” He invites us to “speak words of comfort and help others to realize that God loves them as sons and daughters.”

A journey of conversion

After reminding us that “every moment of our lives is a time to believe, hope and love,” Pope Francis concludes, saying:

“The call to experience Lent as a journey of conversion, prayer, and sharing of our goods helps us – as communities and as individuals – to revive the faith that comes from the living Christ, the hope inspired by the breath of the Holy Ghost and the love that flows from the merciful heart of the Father. “
