Regina Blandón responds to criticism of her body: “I’m not pretending to be a victim”

Regina Blandón does not fall silent under criticism from some of his followers InstagramThe actress shared a few photos and a brief reflection on her body.

“I haven’t stopped thinking about how dlv we are”

Recently they gave me a photo of the following comment: ‘Teaching us the fish market’Blandón wrote. “And I haven’t stopped thinking about how good we are.”

Regina, who is experiencing success after recently releasing films such as “Sin Hijos”, “Guerra de Likes” and “Stories of a crime: The search”, explained that the post shared on Instagram should not be told that “it looks good “. But to spoil us even more. “

“I took these pictures a while ago while I was getting ready,” she began. “I sang and danced alone and I was very happy and I said” look, I feel really beautiful today “and I took the pictures and continued my activities. And I saw them raw the next day and in hell I said: “Is that what the balls are: my leg looks fata, is that the belly, is that the fish market behind it, is it should be thinner, is that why I don’t want more, blah blah blah …

Regina added, “And that’s how I’ve been with me all my life. Every day I get up to weigh myself and they don’t know how dlv I talk And from an early age they tell me “well you ALWAYS have to see yourself in a certain way, you always have to take care of yourself, always ‘neat’ , always fit and ´ay, how good you skinned you look MUCH better ‘, etc etc etc etc … And I am not against it, but when someone is not in that mood, or is gaining a little bit, or none certain complexion, even if I have all the desire in the world, or he just doesn’t give him life to be ‘a certain way’, he doesn’t have to feel bad, right? “

The actress recalled that when she has a casting, the first thing she automatically thinks, she says, is ‘what am I going to wear so I don’t see a fish market’ instead of thinking she’s doing it because she likes acting.

“ I’m not pretending to be in the least, it’s that we can see each other the way we want, we need to create more good vibes (especially ourselves) and that gap who wants to react to the body from the other side (starting by either ourselves) ”, he concluded.

Regina is an actress who is normally very active on social media, sharing her views with her more than three million followers. Often on issues such as feminism, abortion and gender equality.

