Read a chapter of “Oro de Rey”, the latest book on Luis Miguel’s life

“I ran to my dad for the ugly things he did to me, but thanks to him I have this career.” In those contradictory words, Luis Miguel told the world the enormous weight he carried on his shoulders because of his past, but he emerged from those shadows. Sun we know today.

Luis Miguel is not a unique case, there are many examples of great personalities who lived a stolen or absent childhood, and in his case it is one of the clearest examples, not only (it is about) that he was a stripped child. from the age of 10, even a little earlier, – because of a younger age Luisito Reand he realizes that in order to survive in Mexico, he must harness the talent he saw in his son – he was very smart before that, ” he told THE UNIVERSAL the author Javier Leon Herrera

Frank Sinatra’s Letter to the Sun
The letter the crooner sent to congratulate him on his Hollywood star is part of the content.

With a frustrated artistic career, King Luisito Not only did he take away his son’s childhood, but his addiction to drugs such as cocaine, uncontrolled parties and other behaviors characterized the singer’s life, as Javier along with writer Juan Manuel Navarro points out in his new book on El Sol. , “King’s gold”

“A series of circumstances begins to emerge that, more than atypically, eventually lead to traumatic events. They have a psychological effect on the formation of the personality, in this case of Luis Miguel; They have a double impact because of that forced early adulthood, because of the force of the events, and which in turn had to fit in with other things, like the blow that when he reaches adulthood, he realizes all the tricks and stuff. . that his father produced him and later with his mother’s gigantic episode, ”explains León.

Despite this, Luismi wanted to start his life over at the age of 18 and took charge of his artistic career; For many it was then that the sun was born.

A look back at his life

Juan Manuel has interviewed Luis Miguel several times.

“It’s impossible to relapse today; I’ve had a chance to do it, but it’s already happened. Now I have to keep going, this wasn’t an adventure for a long time, after I was 18 I thought about continuing my career or retiring to devote myself to something else; I finally decided to go ahead and I’m still here, ”says Luis Miguel in the book.

For León Herrera, it was at that time that he had to forge a very strong personality to stay afloat, to break through, not to break his career.

“At those moments he was tempted to throw in the towel, because of that Hugo Lopez (his manager at the time) was very important because he kept going, but these are all things that characterize your personality for life ”.

Emilio Estefan poses with a young Luismi.

Also read: “Oro de Rey”, a book about Luis Miguel’s successes and mistakes

To so Juan Manuel, El Sol was overshadowed by all the betrayals and disappointments it suffered, justifying the reason for the singer’s coldness to get away from the public eye.

The same life did it, unfortunately he has experienced many love disappointments, also professionally, because he was an artist like him, he clearly depended on and relied a lot on people who led his career and with the years he realizes the betrayal. and he begins to shut himself up in his own world by having no support from anyone, for if he trusted, they have betrayed him ”.

Luisito Rey led his son’s career.

Also read: “Luis Miguel, the series”: what is expected from the second season

The illusion of a failed house

Of all Luis Miguel’s loves, it was the actress Aracely Arámbula with whom he decided to start a family, but again the rubble of his past did not let this dream last.

“We had a lot of toes in one part of the book, but that particular aspect is reflected in the failure of the attempt he made with all the illusion of the world to form a home and that it worked in the beginning. In that part we say in the book that, for the good of the whole world, from Luis Miguel, from the children, from the mother, they should talk about it among themselves and offer a solution, hopefully the circumstances will arise ”.

9 million listeners monthly on Spotify. “Guilty or not” is his most played song.

The fact that his life is public and everyone wants to know something about their private life, which he doesn’t show is the reason for the speculation and gossip generated around him, but the real Luis Miguel in his facet as a father was like all the others, says Juan Manuel, as there are photos and videos to prove that.

Luis Miguel has always had the attitude to start a family, a house, in fact I have seen videos and pictures, which we obviously do not include in the book out of respect for the people who showed them to us, where he was seen celebrating a year When her son Miguel shared a family party in Acapulco, with a piñata, there were Araceli, her friends, Luis Miguel’s, like any father who throws a birthday party for his son. it is something very private, but he has had a relationship with his children ”.

Stories like this and everything that happened to the sun in the new century can be found in the new biography, Oro de rey, which pays tribute to the 50-year life of the interpreter, which officially kicks off April 20. goes. under the Aguilar seal of Penguin Random House publishing house.

Javier León Herrera is one of the two authors of the book.
