Raúl Gutiérrez after rejected goal against Olimpia: ‘Too bad they have not validated it for us’ – Ten

Raúl “Potro” Gutiérrez made his debut with a 2-1 defeat to Olimpia and the Mexican coach had his own analysis of what the classic’s performance was.

You can also read: Olimpia starts the road to the three-time championship with a solid foundation and opens with defeat ‘the new stage’ to Real Spain

The Aurinegros helmsman was clear about what to expect in this duel against the meringues when he looked at them with a thermometer to judge the work of his players.

“You lose to a team that takes advantage of two situations they always do. I’ve always said this game was the thermometer for looking for better things for the team and it will be. The club tried and we are calm, the team will give more. This is the second game we’ve just played, ”said“ El Potro. “

From the Machine Technician’s point of view, his assessment after the game against the two-time champion is that his eleventh is not one hundred percent and should improve. “Just like we saw the team, I think we are above 80% we want. We are going to try to have more game volume on the half court, we are selected under 23 and we are going to match with the players we have. We cannot be satisfied, we made good plays with fixed tactics such as the goal and 70% of the team finished under that framework ”.

Regarding the arbitration claims, he said: “Ultimately the claims are part of the show, they are situations because my assistant got angry, it is part of the show and the referees understand those circumstances when they make these judgments and that is “It is a pity that this goal has not been validated. I still think the team had to improve, just like in the first 10 minutes. You have to keep working to improve and not think about the referees”.

And as for the variations he had to make in the game. “Returned came from an injury in the same area that had already been hit and we decided not to take any chances, I made the changes looking for improvement. I think we’ve made an improvement, but now people have to get used to seeing these young people because that’s how much it becomes work. You have to make defensive improvements with Jhow and in the position we were looking for. The changes were due to injury and the other is daily bread. In that part I see that the team generated a few plays ”.

Gutiérrez also stressed that: “We knew what Olimpia could present us in direct play, he manages the match times and we had to get him out of that area and sometimes we succeeded. There are many things to save and if the champion is faced with these conditions, it wouldn’t exist. These kinds of games are classics played that way, sometimes football, sometimes rough. Real Spain must improve to give competition to what is to come ”.

When asked about the criticism that may come from the Aztec press of his debut in the Honduran league with a loss to Olimpia, he was sincere. “I think it’s football situations. In Mexico they are demanding and that’s good, same thing in Honduras, this is all appreciated. I thought the press is an integral part of sports like football. There will certainly be good and bad things. reviews, but I’m guided by those philosophers’ phrases: if you win, you are the best and if you lose, you are not the worst. This is not the real Spain I hope to deliver at the end of the tournament, this is to begin with it is my hallmark of all life.

And he concluded by taking stock of what to expect from his reinforcements. “As for Rosas, there is no doubt that decisions have to be made and I wanted to see how Vuelta and Mario developed together and that’s why Rosas came in. We will have Ramiro Rocca in the next game and it will depend on the working time, but we will weigh him against Platense. Rosas had one and put it in, but they canceled it, but this has to be better ”.
