Random: dust your Wii U, it’s time for some Banjo-Kazooie and Blast Corps


It’s almost the end of the year and to go out with a bang, Nintendo is listing all the games it wants on its official website …

As noted by the Twitter account earlier today @ jimin_jones_12Nintendo’s Japanese release schedule for December includes the N64 titles Banjo-Kazooie and Blast Corps for the Wii U Virtual Console. Yes, apparently they come out today …?

As noted in Gematsu’s tweet above, both links are unavailable. When you click on it, a message will appear explaining that the page has been deleted, changed, or is currently available. If you say this, you can still see the entries on the main release schedule page – with Microsoft Japan as the publisher.

Nintendo Life IMGNintendo Life

We assume this is a big blunder at Nintendo’s end. Still, we wondered why these two Rare games – a company now owned by Microsoft – are listed when neither game got a Virtual Console release at all. Could it be a sign of things to come?

If we hear otherwise, we’ll update this post. In the meantime, tell us what you think about all of this in the comments.
