Random: Balan Wonderworld Accused of Recording “Knock-Off” Ghostbusters Song

Balan Wonderworld

It’s been a bumpy launch Balan Wonderworld – a boss part in the game has been identified as potentially causing seizures and there is a suspicious amount positive user reviews on Metacritic, raising eyebrows a lot.

As if all of this wasn’t enough, Yuji Naka’s latest release is now being accused of containing a “beat by beat knock-off” from an original Ghostbusters song. Ghostbuster fans claim that “The Firefighter with Heroic Aspirations: Main Theme” in Balan, composed by Ryo Yamazaki, sounds the same as Elmer Bernstein’s original Ghostbuster’s film score.

@GigaBoots: “A song in Balan Wonderworld is a beat for the beat knock-off of a Ghostbusters song and it’s absolutely hilarious. Listen.”
