Prince Philip was hospitalized after feeling unwell, Buckingham Palace said

Britain’s 99-year-old Prince Philip has been admitted to a hospital in London after feeling unwell, Buckingham Palace said Wednesday. The palace said Queen Elizabeth II’s husband was admitted to private King Edward VII Hospital on Tuesday night.

It called the admission “a precautionary measure” taken on the advice of Philips doctor. The palace said Philip is expected to stay in the hospital for a few days of “observation and rest”.

Philip, also known as the Duke of Edinburgh, retired in 2017 and rarely appears in public.

Princess Eugenie of York marries Mr. Jack Brooksbank
Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh attends the wedding of Princess Eugenie of York to Jack Brooksbank at St. George’s Chapel on October 12, 2018 in Windsor, England.

Alastair Grant / Getty Images

During the current of England coronavirus lockdown, he stays at Windsor Castle, west of London, with the Queen.

Philip married then-Princess Elizabeth in 1947 and is the longest-serving royal consort in British history. He and the queen have four children, eight grandchildren and nine great-grandchildren.

A former naval officer and avid polo player, Philip enjoyed robust health well into old age, but has suffered a number of health problems in recent years.

In 2011, he was taken to a hospital by helicopter after suffering chest pain and treated for a blocked coronary artery. In 2017, he spent two nights at King Edward VII Hospital and in 2018 he was hospitalized for 10 days for hip replacement.

Philip was last hospitalized in December 2019 and spent four nights at King Edward VII Hospital for what the palace said was planned treatment for a pre-existing condition.

He had to stop driving at the age of 97 after crashing into a car while driving a Land Rover near Sandringham Estate in January 2019. Philip needed help getting out of the Land Rover, but he was not injured. A woman in the other vehicle suffered a broken wrist.
